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All characters are either of the Supernatural nature or are involved/live in the supernatural world

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All characters are either of the Supernatural nature or are involved/live in the supernatural world. Humans are rare here but there are a few trusted ones.
The supernatural world is still very new to me, so I am just winging it most of the time, have not seen any of the typical shows that involve this nature so if something doesn't quite make sense that's why.
My characters are all solely made and thought up by me, I do not steal characters and if I were ever to take inspiration from a character I will ask permission before doing so, or I will credit a certain show character for my inspiration.
I have no time limit on replies just don't make me feel ignored.
If you aren't feeling the roleplay anymore for whatever reason you may have, THAT IS PERFECTLY OKAY. Please let me know and you can tell me what happened or you don't have to! We can end it, change it, reverse a little, start over, do a completely new roleplay or just simply take a little break, anything is fine with me!
I roleplay on here or on discord which is in my bio, I don't mind either but with multiple character stories I'd prefer discord unless all stories are connected and interact with each other regularly.

©attrayant 2023

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©attrayant 2023

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