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- Dinner's ready, dear. Come along.

- Yes, darling. I'll be there in a minute.

A woman in her sixties was laying the table for dinner in a spacious dining room. It was six in the evening and the sun was about to set. They sky was coloured in pink and orange  which indicated that tomorrow it's going to be pretty windy. The flames creaking in the fireplace warming up the room. Evenings in October tend to be quite cold here in Stratford.

A man about sixty two years of age  walked into the room smiling at his beloved wife. He's deep blue ocean-like eyes filled with worry. Looks like Kenneth Winters has been contemplating something for a while.

- How's it going with the Leicester's eastate rennovation? - enquired Mrs. Winters her husband.

- It appears that it's going to take more time than expected. - replied Mr. Winters. 

 - I'm just curious, why has the government decided to rennovate it know? It has been in ruins for ages...

I know exactly why. I fear, the true purpose might attract all sorts of crooks, treasure hunters and smugglers. I can hardly imagine those outlawed people flooding the country. For God's sake! Something has to be done. My sources revealed that there's been an information leak at the anti-smuggling department of the Royal Historical Society. These American bastards might already be aware of the finding...

- I suppose, the government cares deeply about our historical heritage, Eleanor.

- Yes, but why now? There are loads of other problems to deal with, rather than getting busy with these ancient estate remnants. 

- Don't be so hard on them, deary! After all if not for these remnants I'd be unemployed. - A light smile touched Kenneth features.

I hate lying to the ones I love, unfortunately I have to out of duty. I can't put Eleanor at risk. Something has to be done, without getting my family involved.

- Kenneth? Kenneth? - Eleanor's voice distracted Kenneth from his thoughts.

 - Yes, honey? - answered Mr. Winters, confused.

- Is anything troubling you? You look concerned.

- There's nothing to worry about, my love. This day was quite tiresome. That's all. - He leaned forward kissing his wife to comfort her. - Has there been any word from Katherine, since she last visited us? - asked Kenneth wearing a grim expression.

- She called two days ago promising to visit us in two weeks as there's loads of work to be done on her Shakespeare paper. Weren't you the same as a student? Please, don't be so grim. She did what she had to do, darling. 

- Refusing my name? Walking away from everything I've achieved throughout the years exploring the Tudors history? - smirked Mr. Winters.

- She didn't go into your steps simply because she's so badly in love with English literature and Shakespeare's work in particular. Besides, your name would have prevented her from achieving everything herself. You're a well-known historian, the leading member of the Royal Historical Society and anti-smuggling department, above all.

-Former member of the anti-smuggling society, you mean. Is that a bad thing? - Kenneth shrugged.

-Is that a bad thing? - Kenneth shrugged.

- Not at all, my love. It's just, - she hesitated, - she's been independent for as long as we can remember, and all your ranks and titles leave no chance to enter the scientific world on her own. - Eleanor put her hand on her husband's shoulder.

- May be you're right. But I'm still certain that she's made a huge mistake, besides our longtime dispute still bothers me. It was pretty disrespectful of her to leave the house in such manner. I wish, things could have been different. - Kenneth sighed.

- We both do, darling. Don't beat yourself up. I'm sure time will come to make things right. - comforted Eleanor her sad husband.

- Your words go to God's ears! - said Mr. Winters filled with fatigue. - I think all this hustle and bustle exhausted me tremendously. It's such a fine evening it would be foolish of me to stay home. Jackson, come here, boy! - cried out Kenneth calling the dog.  A fluffy little corgi dashed into the dining room with it's tail wagging. Mr. Winters patted the dog on the head adjusting a leash to it's collar.

- Be sure to retun by dark, dear, - asked Eleanor, her voice filled with worry.- No worries, darling. I'll be back before you know it. - Kenneth smiled leaving the house. 

Fresh air has definetly brightened up Mr. Winters' mood. He was walking around the neighbourhood feeling cool breeze on his cheeks. 

- The weather is trully wonderful, isn't it, Jackson? - marveled Kenneth looking at the dog. Jackson running smoothly beside his master with his tongue out breathing steadily.

Suddenly a huge black van appeared out of nowhere. Approching Kenneth it came at a halt. He could have been killed! Two bulked-up gorrillas wearing black got out taking grasp of Kenneth.

- What is the meaning of this? Who are you? What do you want from me? - exclaimed Kenneth furiously.

- Keep queit, old chap, or someone's gonna get hurt! - roared the tallest stranger forcing Mr. Winters to get into the van. Jackson barking trying to chase off the two men.

- Shut up, you mutt! - cried one of the gorrillas trying to hit the dog.

- Run Jackson, run! Save yourself! - exclaimed Mr. Winters. The van fled in an unknown direction leaving Jackson in the middle of the street barking heavily.

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