Part 0 -- The Stalwart Paladins -- Chapter overview

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Should the blade of duty break, so shall we re-forge it
Should the flames of faith die out, so shall we reignite them
Should the horns of war call, so shall we answer
Should the Emperor's enemies breath, so shall we slay them
Should the Emperor will our death, so shall we die in his holy name

Such are the oaths of the Stalwart Paladins, gene-sons of Sanguineous. Originating from the planet of Morophon VII, their traditions are seen as highly unusual among other chapters. First, they venerate the Emperor and Sanguineous as gods that see and grant all sons of Sanguineous their otherworldly strength. Their passion for artistry and war goes above and beyond obsession, seeking constantly to improve and hone the prowess passed to them by their gene-father. Those that fall to the black rage are not executed nor imprisoned upon their homeworld, but allowed to serve along the chapter until death, or something worse, claims them.

The chapter contains more chaplains than the codex astartes permits, each company containing at least 5. Many allies see this as a true testament to their unwavering faith in the Emperor, but chapters who hold the codex in high esteem see this as a tactical flaw. 

The chapter wears a bloody red to represent the chapter's Blood Angel heritage, with blue pauldrons and helmets. They forgo squad markings, as all battle-brothers are equal under the Paladin's banner

---Notable characters---

Brother Lerodis, the chapter master, is a tactician near unparalleled within the Paladins, taking a great responsibility for his battle-brothers. He has trained alongside martial exemplars of the Black Templars and Ultramarines, lending him remarkable battlefield strategies, both ranged and close. His power axe and plasma pistol have felled countless xenos and traitors across the galaxy, carving a red notoriety among the Emperor's enemies

Brother Geratos, the chapter's ancient, is a bladeguard veteran who has served in the chapter's most bloody and brutal engagements, making a point to inspire the chapter's warriors and ensuring that their legacies are never forgotten. His inspiring speeches and heroic last stands have spurred victory time and time again throughout the chapter's history, earning his high rank quicker than any other recorded Paladin

Brother Gorhull, the master of sanctity, is a priest of highest calibre. His mechanically increased voice reaches across entire battlefields to remind his battle brothers for whom they fight: Not for themselves or their world, but for the Emperor, Sanguineous, and the chapter. He shows a compassion and respect to the death company under his watch that transcends all logic to execute or imprison

Brother Veratus, the master of machines AND apothecary. His unusual combination of roles come from his time with the Adeptus Mechanicus, where the forge world of Kyrozi trained him in machines of metal, and the deeper secrets of astarte biology. His experimentation with the marine form have raised some eyebrows, but none can question the results they bring. Only Brother Lerodis has been allowed to see his surgeries in action, for he is wracked with a great suspicion following a campaign against the Alpha Legion

Serattius, the oldest of the chapter's dreadnoughts, has been serving for the entire 300 years of the chapter's existence. He is venerated and respected by all in the Paladins, and forms part of the chapter master's own retinue. His ancient knowledge of the chapter's history and heritage drive him to make the rest of the chapter uphold the ancient traditions of Morophon VII

Brother Jerisat, 3rd company captain is possessed of a great enthusiasm for destroying the enemies of the emperor. Clad in modified terminator armour, he wades through enemy fire and bodies, slicing the foe to pieces with his power sword and lightning claw. Those beneath his gaze on the battlefield have been known to fight more ferociously than they would have otherwise. It is suspected he may have incorporated some kind of psychic technology into his robotic eye to achieve such an effect

Brother Verin, the chapter's chief librarian, is a psychic enigma whose force sword can cut through the densest of armour, and whose phobos armour allows him to sneak behind any foe short of immensely powerful psykers. His triumphs against fell sorcerers of the Thousand Sons have been kept hidden, lest the enemy target such a powerful asset. He seeks no glory in battle, fighting purely for the privilege of serving his chapter and gods

The following text is the story of these Stalwart servants of the Emperor, these paladins, and the tragedy of the galaxy they face

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