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Kitty Is Mine is a fantasy with a hint of romance, but truly it all starts with a girl named Skyrie. Skyrie lives happily in Cyril, Oklahoma. She spends most of her days playing basketball, writing, and doodling. She comes across a challenging time in her life when she feels she can't impress her father. While trying to do so over few months, she quickly gets tired of it and just doesn't really care. Her grades were dropping, she couldn't focus, and she became a bit lazy. She discovered a small shiny pin one day.... Begin to read chapter one to see the full story : )

Chapter one: Glitters

"I'm open!" a girl with short red to maroon-ish hair growled. That was Jaxen, we were playing basketball at the small park near our neighborhood. "Gotcha!" I passed it to her as we raced up the court. Jaxen was surrounded so she quickly passed it to a short boy with dyed hair, that was Karl. Karl was my crush, well at least since the first grade. Karl quickly shot into the air, aiming for the hoop. It swiveled on the ring falling through. Me and my friends cheered joyfully, "good game!" a girl from the other team said and grinned. "Anyways, we'll see you guys tomorrow." I said, the words forming into a yawn. I picked up my bag with my drink, shoes, and extra clothes. I walked home, of which was about 5 minutes away. I opened the door greeting my mother and grandparents as I set down my stuff. "What's for dinner?" I'd asked. "We are just ordering pizza, none of us feel like cooking. But it's fine if you wanna make yourself something!" my grandmother said. "Well in that case I may just make some tortellini tomorrow" I said.


Skyrie easily inhaled loads of pizza, her mother giggled. "What's funny?" Skyrie said, swallowing a large price of pizza. "Nothing.." her mother stifles her laughter. After dinner Skyrie takes a shower, puts on her pajamas, and hops in bed. She wakes up the next morning, rubbing her eyes and changing her clothes. She put on her school outfit-

(Wear whatever ya want 😋)


She grabbed her brush, slowly combing her wavy curls. Skyrie put a small moon pin in her hair. After brushing her teeth and eating a piece of toast and some cereal she walked out of the house, jumping onto her bike. She waved goodbye to her mother as she rode to school. As Skyrie parked her bike, she ran into her school. She trailed to her classroom, as she walked in she greeted her friends and the teacher. Skyrie sat down pulling out her notes, she remembered when she first decorated her binder. She used glitter glue, stickers, markers, and fun little jewels.

Chapter two: Shattered

Skyrie looked up to see Karl and a girl that seemed to have blonde hair, a cute poofy light blue dress, and flowers in her hand. Karl was clearly uncontrollably blushing. Skyrie was already jealous, but it'd become way worse when the blonde haired girl handed Karl the flowers and asked him out. Skyrie ran out of the room crying, Jaxen following her. "Skyrie-!" Jaxen called out. Jaxen grabbed Skyrie, "Let me go!.." Skyrie growled. "Nope." Jaxen teased her. Jaxen wiped her tears, pulling her close into a hug. Skyrie tried to escape, but Jaxen quickly tightened her grip. Skyrie blushed "Lemme go-" she whined. "Are you happy yet?" Jaxen asked. "Well.." Skyrie grumbled, "Not really.." she responded.

~WARNING: wholesome and cute scene 🥹~

Jaxen grinned, "what are you plan-" Skyrie was cut off by her own giggling. "Hey! Stop!!" she continued laughing. Jaxen was tickling her, "Fine, I'll stop. But will you cheer up?" Jaxen questioned. "...Yes, I promise" Skyrie answered regaining her breath. They both walked back into class, Skyrie hesitated looking anywhere near Karl. After class, Jaxen went with Skyrie to her house. They studied all night, some of it was gossip and silly stories they had. They drew a little, Jaxen had always been better at art though. They each showed eachother they're art.

~imagine cute art here~

Man, my chibi art doesn't even compare to hers.

Skyrie thought, "Wow that's really good!" Jaxen interrupted her thoughts. "You think so?.." Skyrie mumbled. "Of course!" Jaxen said happily. Jaxen sleeps over, Skyrie was always scared and was always unable to admit it. Jaxen already knew, even though Skyrie never said anything." uhm... Do you want to sleep on the couch, my bed, or the blow up mattress?" Skyrie asks."I'm fine with anything" Jaxen says softly." erm... " Skyrie seems nervous knowing she would have to sleep in the dark. Jaxen clearly can tell and grabs her wrist pulling her along." ACK- hey what are you doing?! " Skyrie squeals. Jaxen gave no reply and threw her on her bed, Jaxen turns off the light and gets in bed with her." It's alright, I am here. " (my hero academia reference ykyk 😏) Jaxen pulls her close into a hug, it easily turns into cuddling. Skyrie wakes up the next morning, she tries to get out of bed but Jaxen was gripping her tightly and comfortingly. "Nope. It's Saturday" Jaxen growls sleeping. "But-" Skyrie attempts to get away with something. "I'll tickle you half to death again" Jaxen smirks at her with her eyes still closed. "Fine.." Skyrie grumbled. They cuddle for 20 more minutes, "Alright nowww can I go?" Skyrie asks. "Fine." Jaxen says. "Alright! -" Jaxen picks her up and walks her to the kitchen.

(She picks you up bridal style) 


Jaxen set her on the counter, Skyrie was looked at her with a light shade of pink on her face. "W-what the hell-" Skyrie began. "Ah ah ah, that's a bad word" Jaxen teased. Skyrie let out a "hmph" sound. "Ah, so you wanna be like that." Jaxen smiles. "W-wait!-" Skyrie burst out laughing." Stoppp!! " she manages to screech giggling." Nuh-uh." Jaxen continues tickling her.

(Awwweee 🥹we love this) 


Skyrie relentlessly tries to push her away, but fails. Jaxen finally stops, Skyrie is careful with her wo- NOPE. "AH YOU LITTLE-" Skyrie growls breathlessly. The day was just filled with them chasing eachother around. Skyrie and Jaxen went on a walk once they were calmed down. Skyrie explained how lately she had assumed she wasn't making her father proud and how she tried incredibly hard and just became lazy afterward. They stopped when they both saw a shiny enamel pin, it was a cat. Skyrie picked it up, "Awwwe! Look it's a little kitty!" she says. The pin started vibrating, Skyrie quickly threw it on the ground. A big blue portal opened up and sucked the two girls in. They arrived in a beautiful village, it seemed they were creatures... Or hybrids with that.

After looking around a bit they couldn't find the pin, they assumed it had returned back to earth. Skyrie seemed to be panicking, Jaxen thought for a moment. She quickly grabbed Skyrie, she pulled her into a deep kiss. Skyrie was easily flustered, she pulled away. "Ya know how long I've been waiting to do that?" Jaxen chuckles slightly. "I- I... I just.. Uh.." Skyrie stuttered. Jaxen just pulled her back in, but eventually they finally stopped. They tried to find shelter, searching In many places. They finally came across a big and incredibly beautiful village. "Maybe this'll do" Skyrie said then letting out a yawn. "Let's get some rest" Jaxen picked her up, finding a small inn. After few weeks of staying there they decided to settle down and just deal with living there.

I'm sorry but.. That was the end 😭

I'm a bit lazy rn but if you want a part 2 then I want majority vote 🥱

Tysm for reading this, like I said if you want a part 2 then vote in the comments

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