PART I Chapter 1 A Mysterious Savior

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 It was a tough day at Oxford. October is usually a difficult month to get through. So many works to be handed in. Finally the day is over and I can have a proper Earl Grey cup of tea at my favourite "The Grande Cafe".

With all these thoughts buzzing in her head Katherine was heading home after a long and busy day at the Faculty of Literature. Her paper on Shakespeare has already took her about two years. She did love exploring the old Oxford libraries full of various folios with those cracking with years bindings. The atmospere in the library was exquisite. It's just, spending so much time in closed spaces devasted her a bit and Katherine was really happy to finally escape the building and spend the remainder of the day walking the cozy streets of Oxford inhaling this fresh evening air and just enjoying some me time.

That's funny... I can actually feel someone's eyes on my back?- Katherine thought to herself turnung around. Nothing... - Well, I have probably spent to much time in those stiffy libraries. I start making things up. Come on, just relax! - comforted Katherine herself. - Goodness gracious! Why haven't I considered wearing somrthing warmer and more comfortable than this silk black dress. Sometimes, fashion forces making foolish decisions...

Soon, the shiny Grand Cafe was finally withinh her grasp and Katherine hurried up to get inside.

At least, inside this cozy place my mind will stop playing tricks on me. I'm despearate for a cup of hot black tea.

When getting to the counter, Katherine spotted a handsome man in his early forties sitting next to the window. His face features delicate and sharp, his thick black hair haven't greyed with years. Neatly trimmed beard and moustache covering the lower part of his face.  The stranger was busy typing something on his laptop. He was wearing a chocolate-brown three-piece-suit with his jacket hanging on the chair back. Suddenly the man raised his eyes from the screen and they shared a glance.

Seems like his smiling at me with those shiny ocean-like eyes. Must be one of our Oxford  professors having a rest after a busy teaching day(I must admit, though, he looks more like a secret agent  rather than a teacher).  Getting students attention can be difficult these days. But why does he keep starring at me? 

 Katherine could have continued this chain of suggestions but then she realised why did she come here in the first place.
 Katherine could have continued this chain of suggestions but then she realised why did she come here in the first place.

- Hello - she addressed an accountant.

 - Good evening Miss. How can I help you? 

- I'd like a cup of an Earl Grey please.

- Anything to eat?- 

No thanks, just some tea.

- That's 4.95, please. 

- Here you go. Thanks.

With her tea on a tray Katherine started scanning the place for the best table to sit at. There was a nice one near the fireplace. 

I do like English cafes for such cozy corners. - she thought to herself and headed to the table. 

As she managed to sat herself down Katherine took her laptop out of a bagpack(quite heavy to carry actually, but she had years of practise) and opened it. 

Ok, so what do we have here.

Katherine opened her inbox to see a notification of one new message. As she was about to open it the door swung open and there were two large and extremely tall men standing on the treshold. They closed the door noisily and went straight to the counter.

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