Chapter 1: The Room

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"You can go all the way in."

Aleia groans as the muffled sounds of her roommate Angelique's sex making penetrate the thin walls of their dorm and make their way into the living room. If you could call the small space a living 'room' at all. There was a small couch at one end of the space that was overflowing with pillows, across from which was their cheap projector set up that Ang's brother had gifted them last Christmas during their freshman year. On the other side of the room sat a square dining table where Aleia had her Star Wars puzzle laid out. It was her thing, picking up intricate time-consuming activities: Diamond Dotz, colour by number, 500-piece puzzles, and finishing them in a week flat helped her cope with her stress and keep her mind busy.

Only at the moment, her mind was filled with gross images of what was happening behind Angelique's door. They had been roommates already for a year, so Aleia was used to this. Every weekend, while Aleia was working on her newest puzzle Angelique would be working on a new guy's dick. She went through them like candy on Halloween. What Aleia wasn't used to was the words she heard Chester (this week's guy) say the following words: "I am all the way in."

Aleia lets out a heavy breath as Angelique shrieks, "WTF?! Get out of here. Man, I wasted my good lube on you."

On cue, Chester comes running out of Ang's room trying to put on his pants while finding the exit. In his hurry, he trips against the dining table and knocks over the puzzle pieces from their properly separated piles to a scattered mess all over the floor. Aleia's eyes widen at her 3 hours of work going to waste and she more or less kicks him out of the door.

Shutting the door, she leans against it and addresses Angelique, who stands right outside her room dressed in bright red lingerie: "Man, do I even wanna guess how long it was??"

"Smaller than my pinky finger."

"No shit! How did you not notice before?"

"Blindfolds," she shrugs.

The main door rattles which makes Aleia jump away just in time as a tall boy enters. He drags his fingers throw his dark brown curls, and declares in a deep voice, "So these are my new roommates: loud, desperate, and rude."

Aleia completely ignores him and the way the corner of a tattoo peaks out from under his black shirt onto his collarbone and gasps at the girl who is barely dressed, "ANGELIQUE! Did you really invite two guys at the same time? Is this some MMMF kink I am yet to know about? Is there a third guy on the way?"

As if it was fate, another boy, shorter than the first one but just as attractive with overgrowing blond hair and violet eyes enters the room dragging a heavy suitcase behind him.

Aleia's eyes look like they are going to pop out of their sockets and join her puzzle pieces on the floor. Before she can get another word out, the taller boy covers her mouth with his palm.

"Will you please calm down and stop screaming, I could hear you at the end of the corridor. I am pretty sure someone or the other has filed a noise complaint with the finals around the corner. Also Angelique, can you please put on some clothes before Cosmo here loses his brain," he jabs at the guy behind him.

Cosmo shoots him dirty looks and starts pulling his stuff into one of the empty rooms. Aleia bites down on the palm covering her mouth, but not before she gets a whiff of a honey hand soap mixed with a leather perfume making him swear loudly.

"Next time, before you try to choke me, wash your hands."

"Next time, maybe have a better welcome for your new roommates."

"What happened to Florence and Aurora anyways? I thought they were going to our new roommates. The college is strict about gender segregation for housing assignments."

"They said-"

The door bursts open and Fayana, one of the resident assistants on the lower floors enters kicking the puzzle pieces under the couch. Her chubby face is scrunched with rage and terror and she holds up a phone to the boy's face. Aleia steals a look at the open picture of the boy and a girl on a balcony in the middle of the night hugging. Aleia internally judges the sensualness of the hug.

"Why the fuck are you spying on me, man?"

"Khair, you know you can't be in a girl's dorm after hours."

"Suzie Shepard was my roommate, and that was our dorm," Khair puts an arm around Aleia's shoulder, "Just like these girls here are my new roommates and this is our dorm."

Before Fayana has a chance to shoot a reply to Khair's smug smile, there is a loud knock on the door. Chester enters the already crammed space and asks, "Hey Angelina, I think I left my homework in your room."

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