Chapter 2 Out of The Blue

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- Where to, Miss? - asked the driver, as soon as the cab started moving.- 23 Victoria Street, please. - replied Katherine, trying to get comfortable at the back seat.

I assume, Maggie's house is the only secure place I can possibly stay in now.

Maggie Winters, an Oxford dweller. She's has spent most of her life here. Born into a family of English Literature professors, she's been keen on literature since early childhood. Comes as no surprise that she made up her mind on following in her parents' footsteps and entering Oxford in order to get a Bachelor's Degree in Literature and currently being busy with getting her Master's Degree in Charles Dickens' work.

I remember my very first day at university, as if it was yesterday. Feeling a bit confused and puzzled, surrounded by complete strangers. Well, that what usually happens to a freshperson. I was thrilled anticipating the very first lecture I had to visit. I remember, entering the auditorium, realizing that this is probably the very hall so many outstanding historical figures walked into, being in an identical situation I found myself at the time. Those were the days!

As I finally located a suitable seat and sat myself down, a chest-nut, blue-eyed girl of my age enquired if the seat next to me was available. We started chatting and that small talk marked the begining of a lon-lasting intimate friendship.

Maggie Rivers' family was quite a well-to-do one so, as long as Richard and Sarah Rivers got retired they found themselves being fed up with all this Oxford hustle and bustle. That's when they decided to move to the countryside in Scotland, handing their Oxford house down to Maggie, as she was still about to graduate. 23 Victoria Street was the one, where Maggie resided.

As the cab reached it's final destination it came to a halt. - The order has been paid, Miss. Have a nice evening! - wished the driver politely.- Thanks a lot, the same to you! - replied Katherine leaving the cab.

It was pretty chilly outside, making Katherine regret her wearing this silk black dress again.

As she reached Maggie's house treshold, Katherine knocked on the door. There was some noise behind the door and then it opened up.

Maggie was standing right in front of Katherine wearing a dressing gown.

- Meg, I'm terribly sorry for disturbing you that late, it's just... - Katherine stumbled - Something's happened and you're the only person I can go to.- Jesus! Kat, you're as pale as a ghost! What happened? - Maggie's face filled with worry.- Maggie, darling, who's there?

Is that... - Katherine thought to herself in disbelief.

- Oh, Kat? What a pleasant surprise! - exclaimed Peter, one more university friend - What brings you here at this hour?- Peter? That's a surprise! I didn't know you two were dating? Congratulations! - answered Katherine, her voice full of amazement.

- Well, we were about to tell you. You know, it's usually hard to find an appropriate moment for such things. - replied Peter a bit confused.

- Fair enough! You two are masters of surprises. - a light smile touched Katherine's features. - Come in, come in. You're shaking! - said Maggie inviting Katherine inside. - Let me fetch some tea. Make yourself at home. Peter, help Katherine out, would you?

- Come on, Kat. - said Peter taking Katherine by her shoulders getting her to the sofa. - I think you two have a lot to talk about, Meg, It's high time I left.

- Don't be ridiculous, darling. We have no secrets to keep from friends. - answered Maggie snorting.

- That's very kind of you, but to my mind, there are things that should stay between girls. - smiled Peter kissing Maggie softly.

I've always appreciated Peter's sense of tact, no matter what. Maggie is such a lucky person to have him by her side!

- That's why I love you, dear! You're such a gentleman! - answered Maggie kissing him back. 

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