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It was dark, almost impossible to see, iris blinked a few times to get used to the lighting change. She turned her phone towards her, the bright light like a flash bang. She quickly turned down the brightness, she stared at her lock screen. It read, 'March 22nd 2023, 2:44 AM'. "What?" She whined.  This was new, the last she remembered is getting back to her dorm at only 3PM, 'maybe i just took a nap.' She wondered if her roommate was back yet. Probably not, she roamed the empty dorm room, soon later, she realized. This wasn't her dorm. Hell, this place probably wasn't even on campus, The room was way too big to be her dorm. 'Maybe it's just a dream..' She looked into her phone camera. And did everything she knew that would debunk a dream... no.  This was real. It seemed to real. Maybe she wasn't dreaming, So.. Where is she? She wandered around a bit more, using her phone's flashlight to see. Tripping over a heavy metal bar, her phone slipped out of her hands, and seemed to just disappear. 'Crap!' she crawled on her knees helplessly trying to find her phone. After what felt like 10 minutes, she gave up entirely, curling herself up in a corner, using her jacket as a blanket. She started to sob, praying she would somehow get out of this endless void. After hours and hours of crying, she was sound asleep. The room brightened. A door opened, iris slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times, she noticed the light 'A way out!.' she mumbled stumbling as she got up onto her feet. She stared at the light coming from the open door. She ran for it, just in case someone was waiting. She ran for her life, a few inches away from the door, Something reached out of the floor grabbing her by her waist. Struggling, she yelled out 'LET ME GO!' the thing only squeezed harder, she couldn't breathe. Another and another of these weird things grabbed her arms, And started tugging. She screamed in pain and tried to wiggle out, but that only made the pain worse. With one final tug, her waist was ripped off her body. 'AAH!!' iris shot up out of her bed. Wrapping her hands around her waist, Breathing heavily she slowly came to her senses. 'It's just a nightmare..' she mumbled checking her phone. "March 23, 2023 11::30PM". She noticed her roommate sleeping on the couch, she sighed and got out of bed, in a cold sweat. Going to get a drink of some sort. She splashed her face with ice cold water and wiped it off with her t-shirt, Grabbing an apple juice bottle from the fridge. As she went back to bed, she slowly forgot about the nightmare entirely. But something was keeping her from falling back asleep.....

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