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Dear diary, (8:45 am)

Hello, my name is Jake. You won't believe this but the craziest thing just happened to me too. I saw a bird freeze, MID-AIR. Like how the hell does it do that. I don't believe my own eyes, so I'll understand if you don't either. Like it froze for a split second. Like wow, just f-ing wow. Ok ok, let me backup, so I was just playing peacefully in the park and I looked up, the goddamn bird just stopped. Oh my god, I think I'm going mad. Well then see you later.

(9:33 am)

Oh my god!!! It happened again, but this time it was worse. Fricking worse! Like I said, I was just peacefully eating my chocolate mint ice cream when I dropped it! But as it hit the ground, it froze. AGAIN! This time it was so much longer though. I had a whole 3 minutes to; gasp, look up, and see everything's frozen. Just frozen mid-time. What on planet earth is happening. Whatever is happening, I don't like it. Not.even.one.little.bit! Yep I need to get to the nearest mental hospital. I think I'm going insane. Yet again, drama is common for a 16-year-old boy that just broke up with his girlfriend. Ok, so I just checked my map and it turns out the nearest mental hospital is a three hour walk away!! Welp, cross that off I guess. So what now? Just act like time didn't just stop for a few minutes... That makes absolutely no sense... Oh my GOD! I just checked my pocket watch. Wait, did I tell you I even have a pocket watch? Guess not. So I have this super old and sick looking medieval pocket watch. Ok, back on topic. So I just checked my super sick watch and it is going WILD! Like it is spinning everywhere. Pointing to random times. 6:00, 8:33, 9:12, and hella more. I don't know why I felt the need to write those weird times in here, I just felt the urge to. Ok, now people are just staring at me. Serves me right... Like who the hell brings their diary everywhere they go. Eh, just me I guess.

(1:55 pm)

Hi! I think I'm gonna die!!!!! I may or may not have walked right into a group of hooded figures dressed in black. I think they were performing some kind of ritual or spell. HELP!!! They saw me!!! I'm gonna die!!!! Ok, maybe I'm just a little overreacting but STILL! I'm currently in my apartment, alone, in the dark. I'm kinda scared to be honest. Now, you may be wondering why I don't turn on the light? I don't know! The stupid light switch won't goddammit work! Now, you may also be wondering how the hell I'm writing this in the dark. Your answer? I don't have a goddamn clue. Guess I'm just built different. HA! If your face Jack! Jack is my worst enemy and also my worst bully. He is just so goddamn cruel. Like just shut up! No one likes you. That is only for Jack, not you dear whoever is reading my diary that shouldn't be. Yep, I know your here! Just kidding, I have no clue if anyone even likes me enough to read this... *sniff sniff*

(9:41 pm)

It's time for bed , tomorrow is a Saturday though. Thank heavens. I didn't get a wink of sleep yesterday. Not after getting beat up by Jack again. Ok, Night night.

(11:55 pm)

I'm actually scared right now. I heard banging on my door a few minutes ago and now I think whoever is banging is now in my house. My phone is in the living room charging and I'm in my closet. So it is either the black hooded peeps from earlier or a drunk neighbor from some other story. I hope it is the latter but with my luck, I doubt it. I don't think it is a robbery cause I live on the 23 FLOOR! Oh shoot, they just banged on my bedroom door. Shit, they got in. I'm scared for my life right now. I don't even know why I'm writing this right now. So let my last words be 'fuck Jack' Shoot, they are trying to open my closet! What do I do! I'm using all my strength to block them out. What are they?! Elephants?! Why are they so heavy? OH MY GOD! They broke though. Now I'm running for the door. I'll be surprised if even the gods can read this handwriting right now. Hey! What did you expect? I'm running and writing at the same time. YES! I'm almost at the door. It's so dark, I can't tell if anyone's there or not. Shit! Someone's there!


I really need to get rid of this stupid habit. At this point, there's no place on earth that can't hold my diary. I'm writing this while in some kind of goddammit car. I'm writing my diary while being kidnapped. HELP! Oh shit... I hear them coming, I gotta hide this diary. I mean, if I'm gonna die. Then let me die with my diary. At this point I'm spending more time with this book than with my EX. Jeeze, maybe that's why we broke up. Shoot, they're here! BYE!

Thank you for reading this story so far. I don't know what happened with my other book masked assassin but it won't let me post. So I made this story in the mean time to keep everyone busy while I try to fix whatever problem there is. This might not be the story you've been looking for but please give it a shot. Updates will be slow as the same goes form pretty much everything else. I might even forget this book for a while, just kindly comment on something, anything, to get my attention back. Ok, now this is the longest chapter I've made so far. 1000 words. Wow! Normally it is only around 500. ok I don't want to make this chapter any longer for all you late readers who read at like 1 am. GO TO BED! Also, the title is the date in the story not the day the chapter is written on, but the date that Jake is in. It is part of the lore. Just clearing out. 

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

Written by TimeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon