Adaline and Tom

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Once upon a time,

there lived a lonely, little mouse

whose name was Adeline,

and a shoe was her house.

All she longed for was a friend,

who could visit her shoe,

for her heart needed to mend,

and that was all she knew.

One day, when Adaline was searching

for someone to fill her void within,

she saw a furry, little thing

which was a lonely, little kitten.

Adaline felt much pity for it

even if cats were her enemy,

and she wanted to help it

instead of letting it be.

So, every day, she brought it food

until it was nursed to health,

and the kitten grew in a happy mood,

and so did herself.

As weeks flew by, the kitten grew,

and Adaline's love did too.

Tom, which she named it, loved her too,

and her heart finally felt anew.

Adaline had forgotten about her shoe,

since she no longer feared anything,

not even the mean cats she knew,

even if she was just a little thing.

For Tom had made her fearless,

and she felt like the bravest mouse of all,

and even Tom felt no less,

for he had a mother after all.

A year passed by, and Tom had grown

to be a big, friendly giant.

And Adaline was proud he was her own,

and her heart felt giant.

Tom never hunted mice,

nor killed a single thing,

for he was a friend to all mice,

and to every living thing.

But one day, when Adaline was away,

a group of ferals approached Tom

then tempted him and did say,

"Why don't you have some?"

They offered him a dead mouse,

telling him mother won't know,

so Tom gave in and tried the mouse,

and his mouth never watered so much so.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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