Soldier's Anthem

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Quiet footsteps echoed through the hangar. Optimus already knew who it was - she always left the meetings first. Soft voices were still arguing in the upper office, though he was sure they were yelling. The attempt at soundproof walls was pointless around the Cybertronians.

Sergeant (Y/n) (L/n) stalked down the stairs and into the hangar, though she clearly had no intention of mingling with the Autobots; she had her gaze fixed on the exit at the opposite end of the chamber. Optimus revved his engine lightly to get her attention. She slowed, glancing out of the corner of her eye at him. A long moment of expectant silence before she sighed and turned, heading for his vehicle mode.

"Hey, big guy," she murmured, stroking a hand along his hood. His engine hummed softly in response. He could hear her soft breaths, almost feel her exhaustion. He swung open the door to his cab as an invitation. Her hand slid away from his hood as she walked around and clambered into the cab, closing the door behind her. She pulled her knees up to her chest, staring out at the other recharging Autobots parked throughout the hangar.

She looked so small in this moment. She was a soldier, and she played her part well. But when all was said and done, when she had stripped of her uniform and title, she was just a young woman, plagued by things she couldn't unsee.

They sat in silence for several long minutes. The yelling upstairs died down and several officers stomped down the stairs. (Y/n) sank into Optimus' seats and he darkened his windows so the soldiers outside wouldn't notice her.

"Thank you," she whispered, barely a breath. But she knew he could hear her.

It was a strange thing, his...existence...with her. He could pick out her footsteps in a crowd of soldiers - her step was lighter than most, delicate, almost. Enemies never heard her coming.

He picked up her nervous habits without meaning to. Her right hand twitched and pressed into her thigh, only to relax when she realized she was doing it. Or she'd subtly shift her weight. When she wasn't on duty, she'd twist her hair between her fingers or bite her lip.

It fascinated Optimus. How someone could be so different on and off duty. She was stone cold as a soldier, but gentle and almost shy without a title.

His optics would seek her out at the end of a battle. He would wait in the hangar until she exited the medbay; he would pretend to recharge, only to rest when he knew she was alright.

Nothing had ever been defined between them. She would be vulnerable - as she was now - with him for an hour, only to salute him and treat him as a superior officer the next day. She never spoke to him when another officer was around, and it puzzled him.

He wanted to ask, but he didn't know how. Maybe he didn't want to know. Maybe he was afraid of the warmth in his spark when she fell asleep in his cab, curled up in the passenger seat. Afraid of the way his circuits reacted when she brushed her hand along his armor. Afraid of the way he craved to see her smile, to earn her affection.

He knew more about her than he should have, all without trying. He just knew. From observing her, offering her sanctuary when she had nowhere else to go.

"(Y/n)?" Colonel William Lennox's voice echoed through the now empty hangar. "(Y/n), I know you're still in here somewhere." He stopped at the bottom of the stairs, looking around the Autobots. Sideswipe made the mistake of twisting one of his rearview mirrors and the colonel tilted his head at the silver Autobot. "Sideswipe, would you happen to know where she is?"

"No, sir," Sideswipe replied almost instantly. Lennox sighed. Other than (Y/n) and Sam, he knew the Autobots best. Sideswipe was a horrible liar. Lennox turned to face Optimus.

Soldier's Anthem (Optimus Prime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now