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The night was dark outside, as it always was.

Humans hated the dark. Hated the absence of light. Because without it, they couldn't see. They were not like the animals that had once numbered in thousands on this blue planet, who had eyes specially evolved to see in the day and the night.

So they created artificial lights. First they harnessed fire in small amounts. Then they captured fireflies and trapped them in cages to utilise their light. Then they learnt to harness electricity...

The Seijin market wasn't completely dark, but the use of lights meant mainly for decor and not actual luminescence meant any human visiting the place at night had to take awhile to adjust to the darkness before walking in. The ground was clean, luckily, but hazards could be anywhere, and they didn't have to be dirt.

It was a mass of activity every night. The various smells, sights and sounds were an endless source of entertainment for both adults and children. Both humans and Seijin frequented the market, though the younger crowd preferred to go there at night.

The younger crowd...and a few others...

Murata leaned back in her chair, fanning herself furiously. The table fan on the counter in front of her was set to the highest speed, but the spinning blades did little to relieve the suffocating heat about her.

Given the choice, she'd rather just be at home, under the cool breeze of the AC and with an endless supply of iced water to keep her hydrated over the bottle of lukewarm mineral water she had with her now. Summer nights used to be her favourite, especially when her mother broke out to grill and made a great barbecue, but now...

Now, however, she would do anything to get out of this sweltering heat.

Of course, it wasn't like anyone was forcing her to stay. The other stall owners minded their own business, and the younger regulars of the market were preoccupied with checking out the new decorative wares that were being sold. Murata sighed and idly readjusted her yukata. Many of her regulars didn't come on Monday. Perhaps coming to the stall on that day was more to unnecessary then, but Murata was a creature of habit, and she came everyday and tended to it everyday regardless of the temperature.

And also because she knew there was one customer who came every Monday without fail.

Said customer finally arrived, panting hard. The top of her dull grey dress was hidden under a thick hooded jacket, a combination that didn't sit well with the heat at night. The sweat gleaming on her skin betrayed that obvious fact.

"Gomen'nasai, Murata-san", she breathed, her head bowed low. "I wanted to come earlier, but I had to pick my daughter up from kindergarten. I lost track of time after that".

"Bloody bells, lady! Sit down, will you"? the Alien Babarue woman replied, pushing an extra stool out for the woman so she could sit down. "You didn't have to come here today if you were that tired".

"I don't have a choice, Murata-san", the lady replied. Years ago, that reply would've been met with a small laugh between the two of them which would eventually delve into casual conversation about their families and spouses.

But now, a brooding silence filled the void between them, made even worse by the low monotone of her voice.

Murata quickly bagged the vegetables she needed and handed it to her. The lady took them gingerly, as if she were being handed a glass statue, and pawed her some yen. Murata quickly counted them and gave her back the balance.

The lady was startled briefly. "I thought I gave you the exact amount this time"?

Murata simply smiled. "Please take it. You may need it for emergencies".

The lady merely remained silent, but as she turned to leave, the audible whisper of 'thank you, you're too kind' could be heard. Murata gazed after her sadly, tucking her horns into her hair as she proceeded to pack up. Part of her wanted to run after the lady and walk her back, like they used to do for each other back when they were classmates.

But for now, she could only utter a sentence of hope for her.

"It costs nothing to be kind, love".

ADVENTURES OF THE STAR SQUAD: PILOT (PART 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ