Act 3

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INT. KIRBY REED'S HOUSE - NIGHTSydney, Kirby, Olivia, and Trevor are gathered in Kirby's living room, discussing the recent string of murders that have been happening in town. Suddenly, the front door bursts open and two figures in Ghostface masks enter the room.KIRBY: (panicked) Oh my god, is this a joke?GHOSTFACE #1: (smiling) No, Kirby. It's not a joke. It's just the beginning.GHOSTFACE #2: (laughing) And you're going to be a part of it.Sydney, Trevor, and Olivia try to run, but they are quickly caught by the Ghostfaces.OLIVIA: (terrified) Who are you?GHOSTFACE #1: (removing her mask) I'm Amber. And this is my partner in crime, Jill.KIRBY: (shocked) Jill? But you died!JILL: (smiling) Oh, Kirby. You should know better than to believe everything you hear.TREVOR: (angry) Why are you doing this? What do you want?AMBER: (laughing) Haven't you seen the franchise? It's ruined, painting the Ghostface as these ill people.JILL: (nodding) But see Sidney, we're not ill, we're perfectly sane.Sydney looks around the room, trying to find a way out. She spots a window and starts to make her way toward it.SYDNEY: (whispering) Come on, let's go.TREVOR: (nodding) Right behind you.The group makes a run for the window, but they are caught by the Ghostfaces. They try to fight back, but the killers are too strong.AMBER: (smiling) Nice try, but it's over now.JILL: (laughing) And we have one more surprise for you.The Ghostfaces reveal a hidden camera in the room, showing that their entire conversation had been broadcasted live on the internet.KIRBY: (shocked) Oh my god.AMBER: (smiling) Say hello to the world, Kirby.The screen fades to black as Kirby screams in terror. Kirby's house is a chaotic scene of horror. Sydney, Trevor, and Olivia are still alive and hiding inside the house. Amber Freeman and Jill Roberts are revealed to be the killers, and they have already killed several people.Trevor and Sydney are hiding in a closet, trying to figure out a way to escape.TREVOR: (whispering) We need to get out of here. We have to find a way to call for help.SYDNEY: (nodding) Okay, but we have to be careful. They could be anywhere.Meanwhile, Olivia is hiding in another room, desperately trying to find a way out. She hears a noise and quickly hides behind a couch.Jill and Amber enter the room, their Ghostface masks in place.JILL: (smiling) Hello, Olivia.AMBER: (laughing) You can run, but you can't hide.Olivia tries to make a run for it, but the two killers catch up to her and stab her repeatedly.Back in the closet, Trevor and Sydney hear Olivia's screams.TREVOR: (whispering) We have to do something. We can't just stay here.SYDNEY: (determined) You're right. Let's try to find a way out.They carefully make their way through the house, trying to avoid the killers. They come across a room with a computer and a phone. Sydney quickly types in 911 and makes the call.Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Jill and Amber enter the room.JILL: (smiling) You didn't really think it would be that easy, did you?AMBER: (laughing) We always knew you would try to call for help.The two killers grab Sydney and Trevor and drag them to another room, where they tie them up.JILL: (smiling) We're going to have some fun with you two.AMBER: (laughing) And then we'll finish what we started.As Jill and Amber prepare to kill their final victims, the police suddenly burst into the room, guns drawn. The two killers try to fight back but are quickly subdued and arrested.Sydney and Trevor are saved, but they are forever changed by the terror they experienced that night.The screen fades to black as the sound of sirens can be heard in the distance.

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