head over heels

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This is random but before reading i just wanted to let y'all know that i was imagining Eddie with either a buzzcut or really short hair (like when you let the buzzcut grow out) but i didn't described it, so if you were curious you can imagine something like that for the first part of the fanfic <3

Hawkins highschool, 1983

The bathroom was empty, Eddie checked before getting out of the stall he was hiding in. He looked into the mirror to check how bad he got it this time. His nose was bleeding, getting his shirt all dirty too. Shit, Tommy had really fun that day.

The water was running and Eddie was cleaning up his face when the bell for the next period rang. He was probably going to ditch it anyway. Then he tried to clean up his shirt, failing miserably. "Well, at least my nose isn't broken," he said to himself or rather, to his own reflection in the mirror. He was just trying to look less like someone who's been punched before seeing his friends at lunch - hard job, let me tell you. He knew they would ask questions, especially Gareth. That guy would've probably tried to do something stupid for his best friend. Eddie was truly grateful for this, but also concerned. People tended to be scared of freaks like him, and let's be honest: Eddie and his friends couldn't stand a fight.

While in the process of trying to clean his shirt,even knowing full well that the blood would never come off,Eddie heard a big tumph followed by various curses from one of the stalls. He almost got a heart attack. He made sure to check every stall - he actually just tried to see the feet from under the doors. "who's there?" he asked, picking up a book from his backpack, Lord of the Rings,his favourite..

He heard more soundsand then a pained groan "Come out of here or I'm kicking the door in" he was holding the book up high in a defensive position. He knew he wouldn't actually kick the door, but the other person might have not known. Finally, Eddie heard the sound of the lock clicking and the door being opened.

Out of all the people in Hawkins highschool that could have possibly been hiding in that same bathroom with Eddie, he clearly wasn't expecting Steve Harrington "the king". It's true, it WAS a small town, which meant you knew pretty much everyone in the school, but this was just Eddie being unlucky. He was sure.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." he came out of the stall with his hands up as if he was about to be arrested. Eddie wondered if Steve actually did actually feel threatened by the book. He looked like it, but Eddie knew better. He eventually put down the book and looked at the other boy.

Harrington's immaculate hair was a mess and his eyes were red and puffy. Was he crying? Eddie quickly moved away from the thought. Harrington was Tommy H.'s best friend after all, It wasn't his problem to deal with. Eddie was just about to go back to what he was doing, assuming that Harrington would quickly get out of that bathroom, but Steve had noticed the blood on Eddie's shirt "Are...are you ok?"

'Why must God hate me?' thought Eddie "It's none of your business" he didn't want to deal with another asshole that day. Steve didn't say anything, but the way he was looking at him resembled a sad puppy, if Eddie was being honest, but he ignored yet another thought that made Steve appear like less of an asshole in Eddie's eyes. "I'm not going to tell anyone, you can go now" Steve was taken aback by this, he was kinda lost now "I-I wasn't going to say that.." Eddie scoffed "yeah yeah ok. You assholes are all the same, so just get out of here. I already told you I'm not going to tell anyone.I'm not looking forward to give you and your little friend more reasons to beat me up today."

Steve was at a loss for words and just stood there for a good minute watching Eddie's every move. It was driving Eddie insane "What do you want Harrington?" Steve was startled by the outburst, but Eddie was completely exasperated at this point. This didn't seem like the usual Steve Harrington. The asshole that always had something to say. The one that always laughed at Tommy's jokes, or even when he straight up beat up someone who couldn't even defend himself properly.

(Somethings happens and) I'm head over heelsWhere stories live. Discover now