Envisious Chappie (CRP)

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 Name: Chappie Rivers

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Name: Chappie Rivers

Alias: Envisious Chappie
The grinning man

     Age: 18-19

    Gender: Male

      Born: July 27

Relatives: Nigel Rivers (father
Jun Rivers (mother deceased)

Occupation: High school student (formerly
Serial killer (currently and ongoing)

Powers/skills: Weaponry/gun usage

Status: Alive

Species: Human

Hobbies: Taking night walks
Trying to become an urban legend


Chappie lived very healthy among both his father and mother's protection in his hometown Japan. Although being 3 years, he had absolutely no idea what went down between them. Jun would come home, drunk or unresponsive. Leaving Nigel in the hands of everything. Nigel one day confronted her and divorced her for her actions. Leaving Chappie on her hands now. But this didn't stop Jun and she continued her life like she never had a child. Disgracing him, torturing him, and even calling him vile things. Not giving him her attention when he pleaded for it.

As Chappie grew, he showed more similar facial features as Nigel. Having his mother's wide eyes and his father's wide smile with the jagged shark teeth. Jun didn't took this lightly and leveled up her actions towards, tossing him wine glass bottles whenever he was in her presence. As Chappie continued in this lifestyle, school was the only way for him to apart for a few hours from her. Although, not given things from his mother, he would start to get envious and jealous to his classmates. Tormenting them, stealing, thieving, bullying, and even haunting them for his horrendous facial. He continued these vile actions and as he entered high school, those actions increased and he leveled up his torments into pranks and even harming them physically. Teachers would excuse this for his mentality or his disorders/illnesses even though he didn't have any.

At the age of 16, he showed signs of insanity by his jealousy feelings. Becoming more brutal and violent to others. And then diagnosed with schizophrenia. Chappie turned 18 and had been still stuck in his sophomore year and class. Doing the same actions to his classmates. Weather they ignored him or other things that made him feel jealousy. Even disobeying teachers. He broke to uniform code by wearing a black hoodie instead of of school suit, converse, and wearing his hoodie up all the time. Chappie had also made an old aged teacher gain a heart attack out of rage by his disgraceful, childish behavior of humming and tapping his finger on the table loudly. One day, Chappie approached Jun and as she tossed him wine bottles to his face, he tossed her a pair of scissors. Slicing her and killing her quietly. Below in the basement, he then sewed her back up like rag doll and tormented his deceased mother like the way she would to him. Tossing her like the doll that she was. On a school day, his classmates had enough of his foolishness they went far by adding drops of poison to his food without the presence of a teacher. As Chappie took a bite, he started to choke and began to lose air.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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