Transport, part 1

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The bright light of the Stargate engulfed the small room as the young girl was transported through the wormhole. She stumbled as she landed on the other side, disoriented and confused. Looking around, she saw a group of people approaching her cautiously, all dressed in military uniforms. One of them stepped forward, his face etched with concern.

"Are you okay? What's your name?" he asked, his voice gentle.

The girl blinked, trying to make sense of her surroundings. "I'm Rachel," she said softly. "Where am I?"

"You're on a planet called Earth," the man replied. "My name is General Hammond. Can you tell me how you got here?"

Rachel shook her head, feeling a sense of unease. "I don't know. I was just in my room, watching TV, and then I was here."

General Hammond exchanged a worried glance with the other members of SG-1, who had gathered around them. "What were you watching?" he asked.

"A show called Stargate SG-1," Rachel replied. "It's about a team of people who travel through a wormhole to other planets. But it's just a TV show. It's not real."

The members of SG-1 exchanged stunned glances, and then the General spoke again. "Rachel, I need to ask you something. Did you see anyone who looked like me on that show?"

Rachel nodded slowly. "Yes. There's a character named General Hammond who leads the Stargate program."

The General's face paled, and he took a step back. "Rachel, I need to show you something."

He led her to a nearby room, where a screen was displaying footage of the show she had mentioned. Rachel's eyes widened as she saw the familiar characters and settings she had been watching just moments ago.

"That's impossible," she whispered. "How can this be real?" Her hand shaking.

General Hammond placed a hand on her shoulder, his eyes filled with compassion. "Rachel, we believe that you might be from an alternate reality. In our world, the Stargate program is real, and so are the events depicted in that show. But in your world, it's just fiction."

Rachel felt a sense of vertigo as she tried to comprehend the implications of what she was hearing. "But why me? Why did I end up here?"

"We don't know," General Hammond replied. "But we're going to do everything we can to help you find your way back."

Over the next few days, Rachel learned more about the Stargate program and the team of people who risked their lives to explore new worlds. She was amazed by the technology and the courage of the people she met, but also felt a sense of grief as she realized what she had lost. In her world, her parents were still alive, and she had a normal life. But here, she was alone, adrift in a world that was both familiar and strange.

As the weeks passed, Rachel grew closer to the members of SG-1, who became like a family to her. She learned how to fight and how to survive in dangerous situations.

But even as she embraced her new life, Rachel never forgot the world she had left behind. She longed to go home, to see her parents again and return to the familiar routine of her old life. But deep down, she knew that she might never find her way back. She kept on going and learning as much as possible to be alble to survive.

As Rachel settled into her new life with SG-1, she became aware of a growing concern among the team members about her safety. They were afraid that other human military organizations might try to capture her, either to study her or to use her as a weapon against their enemies. As she was not from earth as they knew and had information that was classified.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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