1. Prologue

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This story was requested a while ago by Naranciaasupremacy but if you wanna read it, go ahead.
I probably won't add too much angst or anything of that kind, it'll mostly be just wholesome stuff.
Also, idgaf if the characters will be slightly OOC, I'm terrible at interpreting how a character is. Anyway, enjoy!


🌼(Y/N)'s POV 🌼

I slowly step out of the airport and stretch my arms out, feeling tired after the long trip from (Country) to Italy, Naples. (if you live in Italy, then choose a different, random country)
"Good grief, my back hurts like hell! Oh well, no time to complain. I need to find a way to get to my new apartment" I thought to myself and started to walk while dragging my suitcase behind me.

Eventually, I manage to make my way to a bus station without collapsing, looking down at my watch to see what time it is. I look back up at the bus plan to make sure I'm not late, which thankfully is the case. Once realising that I'm actually quite early, a small smile appears on my visage and I sit down in one of the seats, patiently waiting for the bus to arrive.

After about 2 minutes, I sigh softly and get out my MP3 player and put my headphones on, listening to (Fav band/artist) while waiting, so I wouldn't be as bored. Eventually, the bus arrives and I step inside, paying for the ticket before sitting down in one of the seats. While driving towards my destination, I stare outside of the window of the bus, enjoying the gorgeous sceneries I come by. Well, what did I expect? It's Italy, after all! One of the most beautiful countries in the world.

Anyway, as I was sitting in the bus, still just listening to music and enjoying my time, I notice two strange, but weirdly handsome men walk inside. One with long platinum hair, a weird eggshell hat, dark clothes, a belt buckle with the letter 'A' and even makeup on his face and the other with chin-length long raven hair, golden hair pins and a white suit with some comically large zippers on it. I watch them walk past me before shrugging and going back to looking out the window and listening to music, ignoring the two men.

After some time, I notice that it's my stop and stand up, dragging my suitcase behind me and waiting for the bus to stop moving. Once the door opens, I walk out of the bus and start making my way to my apartment block, smiling slightly as I think of all the things I could do in this lovely country now that I live here. Soon enough, I reach my apartment block and make my way to my new home eagerly, only to be slightly disappointed by the emptiness when I enter the apartment.

"Man, this is a boring ass apartment... White walls and a plain wooden floor... Well, what did I expect? My decorations haven't arrived yet, so of course it'll be empty" I think to myself and sigh before making my way to the room I've decided to be my bedroom, walking over to the closet there and opening it, trying not to sneeze once i smell the dust on the shelves. "Ugh... Well, whatever... Better get this over with..." And after that, I start unpacking my suitcase, putting all the clothes on the shelves neatly, trying to make sure everything is organised.

🌼2nd POV 🌼

Once you've finally finished with unpacking, you let out a groan and stretch yourself, your back letting out a small crack.
"Hmmm... Now that I'm done with unpacking, maybe I should do something... Eh, I'll go to a café or restaurant here, why not" Your mind says as you make your way to the front door again and walk outside, locking the door before walking down the stairs and outside again. You take a deep breath once you're outside again and start walking around the city in hopes of finding some place where you could eat.

Eventually, you come across a promising looking restaurant and stare at the front of it for a bit. "Libeccio..." It reads above the entrance of the restaurant. You stare at it for a bit more before walking inside, the bell above the door letting out a small ringing noise. Immediately, your nose gets hit with the wonderful aroma of Italian seasoning along with a hint of sweetness from the desserts. You walk over to one of the tables and sit down, soon noticing the two familiar men sitting a few tables away with a few more people at it. You ignore them again and pick up the menu, looking over all that you can order there.

The waiter walks over to you after some time and asks if you're ready to order, to which you politely say yes and order what you want to order, which consists of (coffee/tea of choice) and (cake of choice). The waiter nods and walks off to tell the order to the kitchen staff. As you wait for your food, you notice out of the corner of your eye one of the men at the table eyeing you. He has tan skin and a crop top sweater and hat with a checkered pattern on them, the colours consisting of red and blue. His hat also seems to have an arrow on it.

He stands up and walks over to you slowly with a small grin on his face, in a way to look friendlier and more approachable.
Once he finally gets to you, he leans in a bit, but still keeps a comfortable distance, eventually speaking up.
"Why, hello there, pretty lady!"

<-- to be continued


Ik that this is an Abbacchio x reader x Bruno fic but it just felt appropriate to add some of Mista's flirty behaviour to it.
Please don't get mad at that 💀💀
Anyway, hope you liked the first chapter!
Have a wonderful day/night/(time of day)! Love ya! 💖💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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In love with two criminals //Abbacchio x reader x Bruno //Where stories live. Discover now