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 A light breeze blew past me as I walk through the park. My brother walking beside me with a giant chocolate chip cookie in his hand. He looks up at me and smiles "Hey Carmen?"

"Yeah, what's up."

 "Why do we look so different?"

"Well, It's because our parents looked completely different and we each got different genes I guess"

"I wish I could remember what mom looked like."

"I know"

I look down at the cracked pavement and keep walking as I kick a rock. Briar continues to eat his cookie and we begin making our way home. Our home is off the main street on a little side street. It's not a big house but it's what we have been calling home. It's where my parents decided to live when they decided they wanted to start their family. It's somewhat unique in the way that it's the only one on our street that isn't a boring white colour. My parents painted it brick red. and the front door is a tan colour as a splash of colour. I personally don't like it but there isn't much I can do.

The door creaks a little as we open it and step into the smell of a roast. My father loves to cook roasts it seems to be a comfort for him since my mother passed away. She used to make them for him all the time apparently. I don't remember much of my mother but what I do remember is her looks compared to that of my fathers. She had straight blonde hair whereas my father has curly brown hair that usually sticks up all over. She had brown eyes while my father has green ones. Even the way they think and act is completely opposite. I'm shocked they met and fell in love the way they did in all honesty. I mean I don't know how that was but when she was alive they seemed happy. I sit down and almost unconsciously my hand goes to play with the purple diamond-shaped pendant around my neck. My mother had it kept for me and she seemed very adamant I be the one to get it when she passes. Why that was I'm not quite sure.

"Hey hon, How was the park?"

I look up "Hey dad, It was good. But I'm gonna go up to my room and read."

"Okay, I'll call you down in a bit for dinner."

I nod and smile then turn to walk up the stairs to my bedroom. I've had this room since I was 5 so of course, the walls are bright pink. and there is glow in the dark stars on my ceiling. But I don't mind I have kinda grown used to this stuff. The walls and ceilings may resemble a child's room but the posters and other little trinkets don't as much. The shelf in my corner is filled with all kinds of book series and marvel comics I even have it piled on my dressers. I have a couple of band posters and one or two marvel posters but my walls are mostly covered in polaroids taken by my friends and me.

I flop down on my bed and pull out my earbuds and my phone. I put on my reading playlist on Spotify because why wouldn't I have a playlist of songs dedicated to when I read. I grab the book on my nightstand "one of them dies in the end" Which I am about halfway through at the moment. It's such a good book I love it so much. I usually read fantasy novels, usually stories but romance sometimes action depends on the book. I read a lot is the main takeaway from this. I think I have done more reading in my life than I have done talking. This is kinda crazy considering how I'm with my friends for an okay amount of time.

I end up eating dinner and having minimal conversation with my dad and brother over dinner. I'm back up in my room reading for what feels like all of but 30 minutes before I check the time only to realize 3 hours had gone by and it was now 9:30. Now for most 17- year olds that is early but that is my bedtime. I get up really early to help my brother and even my dad some mornings to make sure they get out the door then I usually get myself ready for the day. I put on one of markipliers old videos and flip my phone over while listening to it and as my eyelids shut I feel myself start to drift off into sleep. I'm almost completely sleeping when I feel my bed dip beside me.


AN: This is just the first chapter and I already know it's not that great but I'm doing this more for my enjoyment than for the attention. Just a quick character note. Carmen is 17 and her brother is 13. Carmen was 7 and her brother was 3 when their mother passed away. anyways anyone that reads I hope you enjoy it <3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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