beginning of winter break

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max and el sat against the wall in the hallway, not a word was being said. the two listened to their friends in the kitchen, screaming at the top of their lungs to be soon introduced to 2020.
max awkwardly spun her ring, not knowing what to say. her lungs seemed to get heavy.

they were both thinking the same thing.

they messed up.





"max..." el quietly whispered. to her surprise, she had heard.











"happy new year."


beginning of winter break

11 days until new year's eve

to max's surprise, her first semester of junior year finally came to an end, the long awaited winter break was quite literally the next day.
she couldn't wait, wondering about all the possibilities that could happen.

no homework...except for some stupid 11.59 pm essay, sleeping in, playing video games all night, hopefully the snow clears up and she can get her skateboard that has been stuck in the shed since late October back out.

"i was thinking..." dustin started, his lisp mixing with the sound of his mouth being half full of the school burger. "we hang out, my place, for new years. or just hang out in general."

"i thought we always did it at my house?" mike reminded the group, wrapping his arm around el's shoulder when he finally sat down; he leaned in and gave her a small kiss which she accepted.

max scrunched her nose, not really on board with their whole couple pda thing. when she was with lucas, the two didn't make it all disgusting at the lunch table.

el rubbed the back of her neck, a smile on her face as the two boys continued talking. max quickly looked down at her lunch tray, picking at the chicken teriyaki.

"what do you mean always?" dustin already began to argue. "we celebrated new years at your house once."

"wait, how was that?" el asked.

she was the newest one to the group, after becoming official with mike back in august, she just started hanging out with all of them more rather than her track & field friends.

el thought she fit in well, everyone gave her a warm welcome and she never felt like...she looked at max, the nervousness rose in her body. mostly everyone, made her feel normal in the group. almost.

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