🍁 Eighteen : The Guilt

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Min-Jeong was overcome with fear and guilt after witnessing the tragic incident in town. 

The man who had approached her, pleading for her help, now lay dead before her eyes. 

She couldn't shake the feeling that she had let him down, that she had been too quick to retreat from his pleas without giving him a chance to speak.

Back in her small apartment, surrounded by the comforting aroma of spices from the store, Min-Jeong reflected on her solitary existence. 

With no family, no children, and no spouse, she had once lived far from the bustling streets of Busan, surrounded by the tranquility of nature. 

But now, she found herself trying to forge a new life in the city, attempting to leave her troubled past behind.

If she could turn back time and undo the traumas of her past, she would. 

Once gifted with a legitimate psychic ability, Min-Jeong had used her talents to help people connect with their lost loved ones. 

But what she hadn't expected was the dark side of her gift—the vengeful spirits that often accompanied her clients, spirits that could turn violent and seek retribution.

Though innocent of any wrongdoing, Min-Jeong had been accused of murder and wrongly imprisoned, her life turned upside down by the very gift she had once wielded to help others. 

In the aftermath of her ordeal, she had vowed to keep her abilities hidden, choosing to bear the burden alone rather than risk further harm to herself or others.

She was Sang Min-Jeong, once known as Lady Susan, but now living a quiet life of solitude, haunted by the ghosts of her past and the secrets she kept hidden within her heart.

• • • 🍁 • • •

Earlier in the emergency room, Vincent watched helplessly as medical personnel worked tirelessly to resuscitate his body. 

His ghostly form paced back and forth, filled with anxiety and dread as he waited for any news about his condition.

Despite their efforts, Vincent's body remained in critical condition. 

He was admitted to the ICU, where he lay motionless, hooked up to machines that monitored his vital signs. 

The doctors couldn't say how long he would remain in a coma.

Vincent felt a sense of frustration and helplessness as he watched his own body lying there, unable to reach out or comfort himself. 

His sudden urge to visit Busan, to find Lady Susan, lingered in his mind, adding to his confusion and distress.

Desperate to make contact with his physical form, Vincent tried to reach out, only to pass through it like a ghost. 

Frustration and agitation welled up within him as he paced back and forth, as if trying to undo the events that had led him here.

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