Chapter 1 - The Bench

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Nagisa was a short boy, with blonde fluffy hair and a chirpy voice. He hated most things about himself, people at school would tease and often bully Nagisa for being short. He wore mainly dark clothes, hoping it would make people leave him alone. It wasn't as if he hated people, it's just that every human he had ever met wasn't nice to him. Sometimes, people would call him emo, but he didn't even really listen to 'emo' music. The blonde liked the odd panic! at the disco or fall out boy song. He loved to draw, with his own style of doing it, he would just scribble the outlines in blue or black biro in the hopes it would turn into something good. He liked being alone, everyday after school, the blonde would get changed and head out to a bench that was near a river and lots of trees and flowers, and he would just draw until he had to go back home.

Today was no different, Nagisa shoved on his black converse and picked up his backpack that contained a notebook and two biros, one blue, one black. And placed his headphones onto his head and turned on his music. He shouted bye to his parents, who probably didn't even care or realise that Nagisa was gone for multiple hours at a time. His parents weren't the best, they were always out for work and even when they were in they'd be in their offices doing paper work. His mum worked as an accounted for a big bank firm in Tokyo. His dad was a screenwriter for movies, even with this job, he wasn't very lively or bright.

Nagisa stepped in time with his music, each step of his feet representing a thud of a drum. He shoved his hands into his jacket pocket and moved quickly towards his favourite spot.

When he arrived, he sat down quickly and put his backpack onto his lap, pulled out the pen and notebook then sat the bag back down next to him. He flipped to a new page and started to draw some blossoms that were hanging off of a tree nearby to where he was sat. He usually drew flowers, even with his grungy exterior, he did love pretty things. The bright colours of flowers and leaves all year round excited him very much. He practised drawing shade, using different levels of pressure with the biro.

A few houses stood around the semi-secluded area. One window faced the bench. Nagisa would sometimes draw the roofs along the skyline, included the clouds and the sunsets. He liked sunsets too, the differentiating tones of red, orange and pink. Sometimes the colours were subtle, like tissue paper. Other times bold and bright like the personality Nagisa longingly wished he had.

Birds flew over top of him time to time. Birds such as; sparrows, blue-tits, ducks, pigeons. Other creatures, like squirrels, mice, butterflies and caterpillars could often be seen in around Nagisas little space.

He placed pen to paper, swirling slowly, drawing the skyline set out before him. He included every detail, like; the antennas on the sides of the little houses, or the chimneys placed on top. Including the birds that flew down swiftly, landing on the roofs, or to nests made quaintly in the cracks of the gutters.

He sat for around 3 long hours, focusing on drawing the scene around him, it was starting to get darker around him, so he packed up his pens and notebook, before slinging the bag over his shoulder, sighing, then heading back to the silent hell that was life with his parents.

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