Behind the scenes of Milo x reader

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Oh god, the milo x reader. No, but really this one actually gave me the least trouble while writing. The only real problem I had was checking I hadn't misgendered Milo. I thought it was a brilliant idea to control f "he" to edit it but that was not a good idea. Multiple different words had he in it including they and them so it highlighted a lot. I thought it was okay for the first oneshot though. The only thing I would really change is near the end "Heading north Y/N and Milo walked. Talking about whatever came to mind." is what I typed even though I really should have just thought of a conversation. I guess I thought it would be drawn out too long.

I also am too lazy to check if that's what I even put in the final draft. I just checked the secondary draft I have on Google Docs lmao. 

My writing process for this was:

Research (played a game of monster camp)

Idea crafting 

Rough draft (leaving it detailed enough I suppose)

Secondary draft (editing and fact-checking the map)

Final draft (the final draft is almost always done on Wattpad).


Thanks for putting up with me. I'm not only putting the behind-the-scenes for people who liked it, I also want to think of it as a tool to use. I had a really hard time finding a good way to write with a lot of trial and error. If I can help one person find a way they like to write then I think it's all worth it. 

I guess I'll ask a question for funsies. What show or movie are you a big fan of right now? Personally, I really like Future Card Buddyfight

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