The Titan Giraffe

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These majestic Titans once roamed the plains, The Giraffe Titan once lived among a small civilization, The species survive under ground but loved to watch the Titans rest during the night. These creatures where known as the Tjji.

They always wore armor to protect them from being harmed by certain creatures around their home

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They always wore armor to protect them from being harmed by certain creatures around their home. Tjji' hardly needed water and can go 2 weeks without any type of liquid.
     Tijjs' are always peaceful to the gentle Titans, That rewarded them protection from them.

               Titans are seen as Gods, However sometimes Gods must die.

It was (Month:Thaurilii, (Day: Xof  (Year: 00034-00037

There was a species that climbed to the top rapidly, a Rouge Titian. These Titans tend to be highly aggressive! They will even kill off it's own kind, until they meet the same fate. 

Sadly those majestic Giraffe Titans met their doom. One by one they disappeared and it caused Tijji to move far away. Abandoning everything for safety. 

     These gentle Titans where described to be, "majestic", "wise", "respected kind offers". Titan Giraffes would connect with the Tijjis' souls, they knew they where only trying to survive and where merely harmless critters,

                    The giant beast met his doom for killing a Titan, The Rouge was killed after seeing what the Tijji rumored to be, "Something so mighty for one to behold".
            It meant, "that something that we are not ready to see".

   Tijji fear the one in the sky. Scared they too will die. Trapping them under ground from 

              " Log:            (Name: Celecixx    

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              " Log:            (Name: Celecixx    

                            These mini Titans where very social creatures to anything, Their main goal is to-
          learn everything from every species so then one day the great beyond will set us free and we will live a wonderful life in the new recreation. We are near 00100. every decade we will die and be reborn. We are allowed to make books for new species to find. For example, 

                My name is qioiix, I am a Tijji. I was lucky to survive this long but for whom this is-
     read by. My favorite this about my life is that I can connect with these kind Titans!"

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