chapter 1

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(Inspired by brother of the wind) Wu hears a sound and it sounds like the ninja are training and it is disturbing him and is stopping him from meditating properly, he gets up and starts to walk, he opens the front door to see only Nya(movie desgin),Skylar,Shade and Morro

Wu: Where are the others

Nya: Playing videogames

Wu:huh at this point  they will never unlock their true potential

Nya: ya but if they don't want to train that's gonna be their problem in the future

Wu: I guess your right but they will someday realsize that training is important and if they want  to beat Lord Garmadon they need their true potiental

Wu quickly shuts the front door and goes to where everybody is playing games

Nelson: (yes the purple ninja master of time ) take that and that and that.

Cole: you have nothing on us

Grfiin: yes you're gonna be easy our stats are to high

Mr.Pale: alright he's almost finished lets get em

Suddenly the screen goes blank

Kai: what happened

Wu:you all should stop watching video games and you should be tranning for when lord garmadon returns

Nelson: but sensei-

Wu: no buts get out there and start training

Suddenly Nero comes rushing in.

Nero: lord garmadon has been seen around jamanici village.


Nero: we need to hurry

Nero runs out and so does everyone else  to go to their drangons. Kai hops onto him but isn't able to reach his ( i have bo idea what it's called) (morro also has to be somewhere, where, idk)

Kai: a little help anybody

that's when Nya went and gave it to him.

Nya: what did sensei say about tranning kai

Kai: look i know i know but no time for chitchat sis

As kai says that he flies off nya just runs and jumps on her dragon along with everyone else they all fly until they get to the village they all get off of their dragons and then they run into the village and see a shadow

???: bow down to me because i am llyod garmadon

Cole: oh llyod garmadon not lord garmadon.

Kai:really we camd out here for this.

Karloff.i think we should make sure tha the does'nt cause another ruccus

Kai: yeah me too

The ninja go up to Llyod

Llyod: hey stop let me go i demand it.

Camilla: yeah yeah we heard so here.

They put llyod on a sign in the village

Llyod: i demand to you to let me downand give me candy .

Kai: sorry no candy for bad little childs

Llyod: i will get revenge you ninja will pay

As Llyod keeps on taking the ninja just walk away an go to their dragons as they go to their dragons kai accdiently drops a scrool and see's something

Zane:what's that kai

Kai: i don't know i think this is  some sort of  scrool i think.this belongs to master

Zane: you must have accidentally taken it.

Kai: i guess your right but what does it can you read this zane

Zane: i think so let me see what it says   this symbols says profechy

Jay: profechy  what does that mean.

Zane: it means it tells the future

Jay: course yeah i know that

Zane: one ninjaga will rise above the other ninja and defeat the dark lord

Nya:dark lord do you think they mean garmadon

Kai: wait is that us well me jay cole and zane that is.

Nelson: of course it's always you four

Grffin: i agree why is it always you guys

zane: well sensei did say we four have the  elementals of creation it is only logical that one of us have to be the green ninja and defeat lord garmadon

Jay: i agree and it is obviously gonna be me

Zane: no i think i should be the green ninja

Kai: obviously im the green ninja

Grffin: there's nothing there that says one of us can't be the green ninja just because it shows you does no mean that one of us can't be the green ninja

Bolobo: Grffins  right  one of us can be  the green ninja it's obviously me nature

Cole: guys guys remeber why sensei brought us together were a team  we  were'nt meant  to see this and probally for good reason comma lets head back home we got tranning to do

Ash: yeah i  guess that  we could do some more tranning

Toxicita/(nickname)tox: we got some tranning to do right now

Everyone flies off of their dragon heading back to the monastary.

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