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Aatami one day hands Salem a worn leather bounded book, a nervous look on his face. "It's uh... I know you probably think this is cheesy and dumb, and you probably have a point, but I want you to read this. It doesn't have to be now, it can be whenever you find the time and want to." He kisses Salem and heads out to go spend time with Ceridwyn or to go to practice his fencing. Whenever Salem does open it, the first entry is the day they had begun dating, Aatami's scrawl a familiar sight.

"My dearest Salem,
It's presumptive of me to even start this project. I have no clue what the future holds. But today, you finally said yes to my incessant asking to be mine. And so, today begins the first day of my journey to win you fully over and to fall even more head over heels for you. There's a proverb in my home country that goes, 'Love came in a paper bag, said the maiden when she got a letter from her sweetheart.' And so I hope by the time I get the courage to give this to you that love will have come many times in this one journal. But I want to start this journal because I've already decided my heart is set on you for always.

Forever yours, Aatami"

There's an entry for every day, sometimes just a few sentences, sometimes full pages. Aatami writes often of how Salem had done something that completely punched Aatami in the gut with the realisation of how much he loves him. There's a noticeable shift when Aatami's family puts pressure on him, and suddenly, that day appears.


Can I even call you my beloved? I don't deserve to keep regarding you as that, not when I've been such an ass. I deserved every venomous barbed word you hurled at me, and I deserve every moment of pain I endure being away from your side. I am so sorry for everything. I will always be pining for you and longing to fix my mistakes, but I need to take this time to grow up and really consider what I want. Even in your rightful, justified anger and hurt, you've still taught me lessons. I'll continue to write here, to you, despite knowing that now you'll never get these. I will forever be the tides that have no moon to guide them, chaotic and longing for the one who truly calmed them. I love you, Salem. Always.

Forever belonging to you, Aatami"

True to his word, Aatami still wrote every day. And he spoke of wanting Salem back, but knowing he was undeserving. Weeks worth of entries, the same despondent tone, the powerful longing, and then... he writes of Ceridwyn giving Salem the discarded letters that never made it into the journal, of her yelling at his parents that Aatami should love his life the way he wants to, that it was their job to love and support him unconditionally if they even gave two fucks about him. The berating and fighting lasted half the night, and it was then with that resolve that Aatami finally got over himself and feeling pity for himself and tried to do something. He wrote that he only hoped it wasn't too late.

The very last entry was dated that day, and Salem could hear the door open as Aatami came back. He saw Salem in the last page and cleared his throat, speaking softly, reciting the entry.

"Aarre, my treasure. Today's the day I give you this. I've spent all my life looking for someone who would love me for me, who could be there to be my rock. I found that person in you. I know I'm not perfect, that I've messed up horribly before. I know you've forgiven me, but I've spent every day since that day vowing to make this up to you. The fact you even took me back astounds me. I want to be the best person I can be for you. You inspire me." He's choking up as he finishes the entry, reaching in his pocket to pull out a black and purple velvet ring box, his hands trembling.

"It took me forever to make this. I spent any time I had working on it, and I just finished it. For once, my timing worked out. But... Salem, I love you. I love your sense of humor, your sarcasm, your wittiness, the way you're not afraid to stand up for yourself at whatever cost. You're fearless, and while others may perceive the way you are as cruel, it fills me with nothing but awe. I want to spend the rest of my life with you in that awe, if you'll have me." He kneels, opening the box to reveal a wonderfully hand made ring, the gem glittering in the light as he stares up at Salem with utter adoration, love etched into every feature of his face.

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