Descriptive Writing

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The woman danced beneath the purple canopy, her hips swaying seductively as silken scarves billowed from her waist like loose sails

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The woman danced beneath the purple canopy, her hips swaying seductively as silken scarves billowed from her waist like loose sails. Envious of the attention, a smiling girl rattled a tambourine and stomped the ground, causing sand to swirl around her feet like a funnel cloud. This sparked zealous applause and a few coughing fits as the warm, desert wind carried dust into the audience.

 This sparked zealous applause and a few coughing fits as the warm, desert wind carried dust into the audience

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Why do we need to be descriptive in our writing?

The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place, thing, or idea in such a way that a picture is formed in the reader's mind. Good descriptive writing will do the following:

👉 Engage the reader's senses

👉 Make use of figurative language, such as irony and similes

👉 Employ precise language and strong action verbs

👉 Employ precise language and strong action verbs

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Static vs Dynamic Descriptions

Static Description = Any description dealing with immobile and unchanging objects, persons, or senses.

Every setting needs a stage and props. These static objects ground readers and give them context within the story. Without them, the world feels like an open void where the characters float around talking to each other.

For example: furniture in a mansion, cars in a parking lot, children on a playground, lights at an amusement park, the smell inside a horse barn

Dynamic Description = Description dealing with mobile and changing objects, persons, and senses.

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