dont blame yourself

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Carl/Rick father son moment
Panic attacks ig
Rick angst
Yada yada yada


Carl was playing with Judith when he looked at the clock, it was almost 10pm on a Friday, past Judiths bed time. He picked the small baby up in his arms and laied her in her pink and red cot and sat beside her. He pet her blonde hair as he sung quietly

So there was this woman and she was, uh, on an airplane
And she was flying to meet her fiance
Sailing high above the, the largest ocean on planet earth
And she was seated next to this man, who
You know, she had tried to start conversations
And the only, really the only thing she heard him say was
Was to order his, his Bloody Mary
And she's sitting there and she was reading this
Really arduous magazine article about a third world country
That she couldn't even pronounce the, the name of
And she was feeling very bored and very despondent
And then, uh, suddenly there was this huge mechanical failure
And one of the, the engines gave out
And they started just falling thirty-thousand feet
The pilot's on the, on the microphone and he's, he's saying
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, oh my god, I'm sorry' and apologizing
And she looks at the man and she, and she says, she says
She says 'Where are we going?'

Her eyes started fluttering

And he looks at her and he says 'We're going to a party
It's a birthday party, it's your birthday party
Happy birthday, darling
We love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much'
And then, uhm, he starts humming this little tune
And, and uh, it kind of goes like this, it's kinda
One, two, one, two, three, four"
We must talk on every telephone
Get eaten off the web
We must rip out all the epilogues
From the books that we have read
And to the face of every criminal
Strapped firmly to a chair
We must stare, we must stare, we must stare
We must take all of the medicines
Too expensive now to sell
Set fire to the preacher
Who is promising us hell
And in the ear of every anarchist
That sleeps but doesn't dream
We must sing, we must sing, we must sing
And it'll go like this, alright
While my mother waters plants
My father loads his gun-

Carl was cut off by soft snoring opened his eyes and Judith was asleep. her lips were slightly parted. Carl chuckled softly and kissed her forehead before getting up,taking off the lights and closing the door quietly.

he leaned against the door and threw his head back against it. he suddenly heard soft sobbing.

"The fuck?..."

Carl whispered. He slowly started walking towards to sound as it got louder and louder,it was coming from his fathers room. He peeked throught the door and saw Rick


He said,standing outside the bedroom door.

"... Dad?"

he said again. his dad was sitting on his bed with his back to him and crying quietly.

"what the heck happened??"

Carl asked softly. he walked closer towards him, hesitating before sitting next to his dad. Rick looked to him and swiped his tears quickly

"oh- hey Carl."

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