A Bit About Me

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I wake up to the sun shining brightly in my eyes and the song of birds outside my window. I guess I rolled out of bed in the night because I'm lying on the floor with an aching back. I stand up and check the time on my phone
06:42pm Sunday 27th May

Yes! Its Sunday! That means it's filming day, I have a small YouTube account called sparklygh0st and it's got quite a few subs.

I guess I should tell you all a bit about myself...

My name's Aoife, I'm 13, my parents died when I was little so I have lived in a care-home most of my life. Miss Evitt runs the place and she is not nice. I don't really have any friends here because I didn't expect to be here for so long.

I'm addicted to YouTube, I even have my own channel as I mentioned earlier. I post every Sunday and sometimes during the week when I have no homework but I have to get up early or Miss Evitt will confiscate my things. I also watch a fair amount of YouTubers too, my top 5 are Zoella, Pointlessblog, Thatcherjoe, Sprinkleofglitter and I probably prefer Dan to Phil (no offence Phil lovers) so Danisnotonfire. On my own channel I do fashion, makeup, hauls, hairstyles and favourites. Although sometimes its quite hard to film because Miss Evitt has some sort of thing against the modern world. She lets us have phones but anything beyond that like makeup, branded clothes and more technology, then you're done for if you're cought with it. Say that you're doing a nail art video, when you're done you have to scrub every millimetre of polish of and you have to tidy everything away and store it in the back of your cubboard.

Anyway, what do I look like? I have ombre hair that comes down to my waist - I cut and dye it myself when Miss Evitt's not around - that I usually have styled up in a milkmaid braid or a type of plait, I have steely grey eyes which, according to a year 9, makes me look slightly scary, I am also quite short for my age, I look about the height of an 11 year old.

I own a fair amount of cosmetics but they have to be hidden for reasons above.

I have around 2000 subscribers on YouTube but I have goals.. I want to do YouTube as a living like Zoe or Alfie.

How I deal with the haters? I send them a Miranda Sings song. Easy. They shut up after that.

Anyway, I should really be getting started on my video...

Adopted by Zoella | sparklygh0stWhere stories live. Discover now