Loathe Thy Corgi Neighbor

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The Dalmatians and Hunter were playing a game of Catch the Ball in the backyard.

"Alright!" said Hunter. "Who wants the ball?!"

"Me! Me! Me!" said the pups.

Hunter threw the ball and the pups jumped about trying to catch it. But the ball went up too high and went over the right-sided fence.

"Awwww!" said the pups.

"Ah man!" said Dolly.

"Oh well," said Dylan. "Guess that's game over."

"What's got you all down all of a sudden?" said Hunter. "We can still play."

"No we can't," moaned Dolly. "The ball went into Clarissa's yard."

"Who's Clarissa?"

"She's our Corgi neighbor who lives in the house on the right," said Dylan.

"And she's snobby and doesn't like us one bit!" said Dolly. "There's no way we're getting that ball back!"

The pups disappointedly moaned.

"You know I can just go over there and get it, right?" said Hunter.

"Huh?!" said the pups.

"What do you mean?" said Dylan.

"This Clarissa has an owner, doesn't she? I can just go over to their place and ask them to give the ball back."

The pups gasped.

"Oh right!" said Dolly. "Hunter hasn't met Hugo! He can totally make Clarissa give the ball back!"

"Yeah," said Dylan, "but she won't like it. And since you can understand dogs, she'll definitely give you an earful."

"Oh, I'm not worried about that," said Hunter. "I just hope she doesn't try to attack me."

Hunter went over to House 103 and rang the doorbell. The door opened and out came Hugo.

"Can I help you with something, young man?" said Hugo.

"Hello, good sir. My name is Hunter. I'm a new occupant in House 101."

"Oh my! Don't tell you're living with those awful, noisy Dalmatians?!"

"Well... yes."

"My word! What has the world come to that it would allow a young man to live with a bunch of undisciplined animals?!"

"Oh, they're not so bad once you get used to 'em."

Hugo sighed. "The youth of the world. Anyway, my name is Hugo, and what, pray tell, can I do for you, young Hunter?"

"Well Mr. Hugo, I was playing with a ball and might've ended up throwing it into your backyard. So I was hoping if it would possible for me to get it back."

"Oh yes! Of course! Where are my manners?! Please come in!"

"Thank you." Hunter stepped inside and was immediately amazed by the interior décor of the house. "Wow. This is a really nice place you have here."

"Why, thank you! I happen to be a fabulous interior designer!"

Hunter then noticed the various pictures of Hugo and Clarissa on the wall. "Oh. You have a dog as well?"

"Ah yes! That's my precious little Clarissa! I've had her for several years now, and she's become a highly sophisticated dog among the fanciest of classes!" Hugo happily sighed. "She's my everything!"

"Wow. You must really love her a lot."

"Indeed I do!"

Meanwhile, the Dalmatians climbed up the fence to see Clarissa messing around with their ball.

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