chapter 1:the final RESET

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(3rd pov)It was the "normal" day for error; destroy a few aus then fight ink.but then ink suddenly nocked error down with his paintbrush but instead of the usual REBOOT screen that appears when error glitches out instead it said RESETTING which confused ink.Ink then stayed until the screen at errors face said ARE YOU SURE? ink then looked at the options which were CANCEL,or,after some thoughts he chose CONTINUE.error then unfroze and ran to somewhere in the anti-void as ink stood confused.(time skip)"wha-whá[ß_gøïñ& œñ wī[- mê"error said as he started glitching."welp this sucks now"ERROR 404 answered."ē=rør404 why_ærē yœū hërē"error asked."seems the mind control got RESET by that idiot ink,welp I have things to attend to goodbye."ERROR404 answered as he Telliported away."$hī[,fūç("error said as the glitched dust and scar reappeared."error what the fuck is going on with you" ink asked."$hî[ yœūr not ?ēæñ[ tœ sêé mē līkē t-ïs"error could berily say as he glitched more into his past form."ÆÆÆÆÆÆ"error screamed in pain."woah error please calm down,... Just calm down."ink said wial calming error down.(after ink calms error and error stops being in pain)"if I may ask why did you say that I'm not supposed to see you in this form that looks oddly like a copy of aftertale sans"ink asked."wēll īñk Ï am ã çœpy øf aftertale sans"error answered."I'm the only one that can make copies of code... So that means I have been battling my own creation....oh my fucking god"ink said.
(Cliffhanger go brrrr)

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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RESET THE SYSTEM (an error sans fiction)Where stories live. Discover now