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I was born in a hidden meadow of the mountains on a beautiful, sunny spring morning. My dam, Lilac, an Appaloosa and my sire, Axel, a pure black were leaders of our herd.

I was born as a chestnut Appaloosa just like my dam. But when I got older I changed colors.

But one day, when I was one, without warning humans came. They tried to capture the herd and I hid behind the rocks. When they put up a big fight the humans made a loud noise and my dam dropped to the ground, dead.

I don't know what happened to the rest of my herd. I guess they died the same way but when they were gone I ran to her side and stayed with her. She had not been dead at first as I had thought but had been barely alive. She told me to run, to never return, to be brave. And she said that if they ever captured me then I was to fight for my life as she had done, and never give up.

These were her last words to me as she fell back with her last breath. I stayed with her for the whole night, crying. When I finally fell asleep she came to me in a dream.

My little Coral, do not stay here with my body for if you do they will return and kill you too. I did not die for you to die too.

Again she told me to be brave and to never forget her.

If you find Axel again please tell him what has become of me for I do not know if he saw me die.

Start a new life some where else. Start a herd and remember me. Do not forget my words. And when you wake up run as far as you can until you find land fit for living.

Have courage little one.

And then I woke up. With one last look at her I took her advice and ran. I ran for several days. I finally came to a land of high plateaus. In between them was a valley with a river and plenty of grass. I almost fainted at the sight of the crystal clear water and bright green grass. I hadn't had food or water in several days.

After eating and drinking plenty, I slept for almost whole day before returning to a normal schedule of a horse. The only problem was there was no other horse in sight for miles. My only friends were the birds that flew overhead and the rabbits that would hop around in the grass. I was lucky to have a cool cave with no harmful creatures (like mountain lions) in when it got too hot. It was perfect until one day...



Hello everybody. This is my first time sharing a book with another author! I credit this prologue (and 90% percent of the ideas) to PicturePerfectPage. I'm glad we could write this book together. To our readers this book may be slow with updates because we started without all of the ideas talked through. We will try to not make the updates come as slow as my other books. Pictures of the place where she lives now will come next chapter. Goodbye for now :)

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