FIRST: Excalibur-Incarnated

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So, what the hell is that?

Simple: Valper Galilei (I think that's how it's written) becomes so obsessed with Excalibur, that he starts working less with children, and starts digging deeper into the swords themselves: to the point where he starts hearing voices.

Funny thing is? He isn't crazy!

The Excalibur pieces have their own personalities, but Valper only managed to hear three: Lily (Excalibur Blessing), Issei (Excalibur Transparency), and Morgen (Excalibur Mimic).

These three told Valper the truth of how they came to be, how powerful the original Excalibur truly was, and that they would only manifest in their true form when paired with their perfect counterpart: people who represent the same quality of King Arthur that they do.


So, I have to say, the Arthurian Mythos is quite interesting and profound, and has gone through more changes than a Japanese song translated to English by 10 different people.

So, after reading a bit, I found some details I paired with each Excalibur as a "personality". Top among them is Morgen.

Morgen Le Fay (Meaning: Morgan the Fairy) is one of 9 fairy sisters that live on another plane of existence, separate from the human world (like most faeries) and Morgen is by far the most skillful: she has mastered the healing arts, as well as the art of shape shifting, and has more wisdom and holds more knowledge than a royal library.

I also found out what Issei's name means:

Is (一) means "One", "First" or "Alone"
sei (誠) means "Truth", "Honesty" or "Reality".

Meaning Issei's name could be "One Truth" or "One Reality", and as a whole means:
"To be truthful of one's self and all it's aspects." It fits how Issei refuses to hide his perverted tendencies, but rather accepts them as just another part of himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2023 ⏰

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