Chapter 1 4/6/2005-5/1/2005

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Author's Note- This is more of a diary from Dick Grayson and is starting the day that is his parents died each chapter will be multiple diary entries I will be putting the dates in the chapter title

Dear Self,
Today is the day that I'm going on the trapeze in front of thousands of people I'm kind of scared but happy we did have a few people diagnosed like usual one had said like if you don't pay us then something that will happen or something like that but you know usual crazies and so We are currently in Gotham City it is kind of scary I don't know anything could happen I don't think anything will happen It definitely ready for this so I can show it the world what I can do and I'll be there with my parents It'll be nice and have a lot of fun I will let you know how went tomorrow

-Dick Grayson

Dear Self,
Last night to not go how we planned it too I had what to do with my trick but before I could my parents were doing their trick like they used to do what they've done in a million times I know theyand the rope like got cut or something and I don't know what happened I don't know what to say this guy bruise came to me which was odd and he's this big deal here in the cityand then the commissioner Gordon said that I could stay over at the police station for a while so that is where I currently am which is definitely better than big hair and the cold rainbut after everything happened the Batman showed up so that was interesting to say the least but not as cool as it would have been if my parentsBecause now they're gone I'm never going to see them againHow am I supposed to live with that I watched them die watched the throat getloser and loserI think it was most likely that guyBut I don't know I can only do what I can I will try to survive and live but I don't think I'm ever crying on a trapeze again.

-Dick Grayson

Dear Self
So it's been a few days and a the billanr Bruce Wayne had asked me if I wanted to stay with him and he has offerd to beary my parents in the Wanye Cemmetry since he ways me to live with him and I think he wants to adopt me witch would be cool but I want to find the person who killed my parents I feel that if they are not brought to jutice but i am going to need help so for now i have to wait to do anything

-Dick Grayson

Dear Self,
So i have been noticing that Mr. Wayne is gone a lot in the short amount of time i have been here and when ever he is gone that Batman is somewhere so i think that Mr. Wayne is Batman that would make sense because Mr. Wayne is rich, build tech and is gone when Batman is seen and Batman seems to be rich because he has all this tech and when Mr. Wayne is here that Batman is nowhere to be seen and also when Batman gets hurt somehow Mr. Wayne is hurt every time I want to ask about it but is non of my buissness right now so i am going to wait

-Dick Grayson

Dear Self,
So today Mr. Wayne asked me if I wanted him to adopt me and i said that would be lovley and that i acept his offer so that is cool and i am kinda exited but sad becues every day i keep thinking that my parents are coming back but i know that will no be happening and i dont what to just for get them they where a big part of my life so i have no idea what to think i just hope that i can get though this part of my life with out loseing my self in the proses

-Dick Grayson

Dear Self,
So it has been a week since Mr. Wayne asked if he could adopt me and today was the day that we made it affical which is so cool but so odd i wish every day that i could see my parents again and give them one last hug but i cant no matter how hard i try and tomorow i am going to ask Mr. Wayne if he is the Batman and i hope that he is and he maybe able to help me find out who killed my parents

-Dick Grayson

Dear Self,
Today was the day I asked Mr Wayne if he was Batman and told him all the reasons that i though he was Batman and he told me that if i ever told anyone that would be my last word and then brought me down to the Batcave It was so cool because I got to see all these different things I've never seen for like he had this dinosaur in there which may have been promised to face I don't remember souvenirs from every single one of his villains which is so cool Maybe we're not souvenirs or more than weapons but I'm not sure Well I guess that whatever they go you don't want them to go to that prison so i think that is why he has them all
-Dick Grayson

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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