1-Mad-eline Hatter

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Eighth Grade was the grade where I knocked two teeth out of my mouth and made a lot of the other ones crooked.

I basically was pushed playfully by a cousin, but they pushed too hard and I tripped over a tree trunk on my fourteeth birthday and slammed into a table that had been set up in our backyard. I hit it mouth first, the iron taste of blood filling my mouth as I spit out my two front teeth. I held my mouth as my mother came rushing over, saying something about her poor baby, or something. I had still hit my head pretty hard, so black spots were dancing in my vision.

I remember being carried inside my house and set onto my couch, sinking into the softness of it as someone handed me a bag of old frozen peas. I set it on my cheek and someone stuffed cotton in my mouth to soak up the blood. I heard mumbling in the background as I drifted to sleep.

I was woken by my mother poking me. I awoke to see myself in the car, cotton still in my mouth. I looked out the window and saw my orthodontist's office. I turned to my mother with a confused look on my face.

"They have to put your teeth back," she had said, holding up a Ziploc bag with my two front teeth in it.
I simply nodded because moving my mouth hurt and got out of the car, slowly walking to the door.

We entered and I was immediately taken back, my orthodontist taking the bag from my mother and a lot of numbing medicine being injected through needles.

It took forever and I felt like sleeping just about anywhere when they were done. They had put some cast-like stuff on my teeth to hold them in place while they healed. It made me talk like a cliché kid with braces.

When they finally did heal about a month later, they were crooked like the majority of my teeth now. That meant braces or crooked teeth forever.

And I had already had braces. Removed that very year, about a month before the incident.


So for my fifteenth birthday, I got braces. Oh boy, just what I wanted!

So here I am today, one of the only sixteen year-olds in my class with braces.

But not all is bad. Atleast my braces are rainbow.


"Madeline, get up and get ready for school," my mom calls to me.

"Mmmph," I respond and turn around on my bed so my back is facing her. She comes and pokes me in the spine and my back arches. I flip back around to glare at her.

"Fix your posture," she commands with a grin before kissing my forhead and leaving for work.

I growl at her under my breath and grab a towel, jeans and a T-shirt with a cat in sunglasses on it.

I hopped into the shower, washed, then came out and dried off, slipping on my clothes and brushing my teeth. I brushed my hair back into it's usual ponytail, then I exited the bathroom.

I walked to my room and threw my bookbag on my back and slipped my phone into my back pocket. I called out a goodbye to my dad as I ran outside, shivering at the slightly cold October weather. I stopped at the bus stop, sitting with my legs tucked up to my chest as I waited for the bus to arrive. It was always twenty minutes late.

I scrolled through my Wattpad when I got a text message.

New Message from: E-sizzle:
R u waiting 4 the bus

She knew that I hated her texting like that, so she purposely did so.

New Message from: Mad-eline Hatter:
No, I am pogo dancing with my best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2015 ⏰

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