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Small drops of water from the grey clouds above, gently hitting the floor to the ceiling high window in the apartment, almost in the same recurring pattern

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Small drops of water from the grey clouds above, gently hitting the floor to the ceiling high window in the apartment, almost in the same recurring pattern. To most of the public, it would probably get on their nerves how the raindrops were out of rhythm. But to Charlotte it was her comfort, her anchor.

Or maybe it kept the loneliness feeling from creeping into her mind. Or maybe it was just from the multiple concussions she normally received from her job starting to act up.

But she didn't care.

This was her life; her goals were set, and no one would stop her from achieving them. Her determination was one of her main strengths, she always made sure to keep going no matter her obstacles.

In the end, she knew the obstacles she would face would make her a better person. A better employee. Learning from her mistakes instead of  like her co-workers who would usually be ignorant when they got feedback on how they could improve.

Every Feedback she received she took it wholeheartedly, she wasn't bothered if it was harsh or blunt, in fact, she would prefer the truth to a sugar-coated version. It meant that the errors she did wrong would be clear for her to know where she went wrong so she could prevent making the same mistakes again.

Charlotte's mind worked differently from others, she was very observant to detail, and when something didn't fit in the pattern, she would spot it immediately.

That was mainly why she would be the first pick for tasks in her job, Charlotte would never call herself perfect, when an outsider was involved in their work most times they assumed Lottie was perfect and came from a perfect family.

Whenever they commented on her family and how they must be rich and paid Charlotte's boss to let her have the job. Charlotte would laugh before punching them straight in the face, after two years of being with the company, the other workers would snicker when a newbie walked past with a black eye or a bloody nose or sometimes both.

Don't get on Lottie's bad side.

The Familiar sound of the scanner outside her front door stops her deep thinking and a smirk was now shown on her face. Not bothering to turn around to see who was entering her apartment, her eyes still focused on the outside world.

"Ahh, damn! I was about to run away." Lottie states causing a chuckle from a man who just entered.

"Lovely to see you too Agent Miller" The man comments with his own smirk.

Charlotte turns her head and looks towards the man whom she saw as her father "Director Campbell, what a pleasant surprise."

Phil shakes her head at Charlotte's words and opens his arms "Come and give me a hug."

Rolling her eyes at the pout of Phill's face she walks into his open arms. "You're getting soft old man."

Phill dramatically gasps "Whom you are calling an old man, young lady" Playfully glaring at the girl.

"Just the Director of a company that technically doesn't exist" Charlotte smiles cheekily at the older man. This was the only man who she could be fully relaxed around, without looking over her shoulder looking for people from her past.

"You are lucky I love you, Lottie," Phill says with adoration in his eyes. With his work, he had seen a lot of intense and difficult situations but when he first came across Charlotte he was horrified and was so proud of how far she has come.

"Love you too Philly" Charlotte kisses his cheek before walking out of his arms and sitting down on her couch.

"Now, tell me what's wrong and what's happened?"

Phil lightly laughs while sitting down opposite Charlotte, he was wondering how long until she would say that. "Should I even ask how?"

Charlotte shrugs and points to his forehead "You've gained an extra wrinkle since the last time I saw you which was only seventeen hours, twenty-four minutes, and 6 seconds."

Phill nods his head does not surprise at all by her observation skills "Right, shouldn't have asked"

"Anyways, there is a job, however, if you do accept Lottie, please be careful, if what we expect is true in this case. You will have to be at the top of your game. You are very talented but one wrong move and the outcome could be worse for everyone involved."

Charlotte nods her head with a face void of any emotion, she could tell by how his voice wavered that this was going to be very dangerous. "Tell me the details and I'll think about it."

"A call to the Sherriff station in Colorado from a fifteen-year-old girl, claiming that the leader of the church on the ratch Benjamin Cyrus goes into her and other members bedroom, laying down with them. He says that it's god's will."

Charlotte takes a deep breath processing Phill's words "Anything on the leader?"

Phill shakes his head "No. Nothing he's clean. No criminal record or even a warning." He knew this would be a tough case but also a personal one for Charlotte. If he had another option, he would never of told her about the situation but she had the specific skills required for this job.

A bitter laugh escapes Charlotte's mouth "Of course, that's always the way things go." She then sighs "This could go bad either way. you know that right."

Phill nods in agreement "I know. If this girl is right, it's not just her and they could be even younger. But with his clean background and being the leader of a church, it's going to be hard to find evidence. People will be loyal to him, even If a part of them knows it's wrong, their beliefs wouldn't let them destroy their bond with him."

Charlotte slowly nods her head "So straight to Code Auburn?"

"Yes. Charlotte, you do not have to do this. I will find somebody else if this is to much." Phill stresses to the girl.

Charlotte shakes her head in response "You know I can't. Not with this type of situation."

Phill walks to the couch where Lottie was sitting and pulls her into his arms "I know. I know. That's why I will let you do this. But you do the rules for Auburn right?" He wanted to make sure she knew what she was signing up for.

The girl nods her head and leans her head off Phill's shoulder "I do and I accept."

"Understood. A file will be sent to you tomorrow. Now let's go make some dinner." Phill states throwing Charlotte over his shoulder, making her seriousness disappear and a shocked but happy expression to appear.

When she first started working she thought no one would take her seriously since her relationship with the director. But she never let the negative thoughts of others stop her from doing her work to the best she could.

That's when she noticed, the respect she earned from others in the company as she completed her tasks, The respect increased which made her scream in happiness on the inside. Everybody had their doubts about her but she always proved them wrong.

Even her age, her only being seventeen wouldn't change that either.

Sooo thoughts?

The Runaway Sister : Lottie Miller Where stories live. Discover now