happy birthday!

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Samantha's Pov:

30 minutes.

30 minutes till I turn 18.

I can't wait. I can finally live alone and do whatever I want. I've been waiting years for this! Ever since I was 12 I've wanted to live in a big house, with my friends and a bunch of cats. I might have been a bit of an over achiever on the whole cats thing at the time but now that I'm 18 I can do anything.

I could buy fireworks, I could get a tattoo, I could vote..., I could ...., There's actually not really many fun things I can do.

20 minutes.

It's almost time and i'm starting to get a little tired. I've been trying to be quiet since i'm still living with my mom right now. I don't want the first thing I do when I turn 18 to be waking up my mom in the middle of the night. I'm hoping it's something more drastic than that.

Maybe I should call a few friends and invite them over to hang out later. I'm gonna call them the second I turn 18. I guess it's something a bit more drastic.

10 minutes.

I'm almost there. I can't wait. I'm so excited I might risk waking up my mom so I can do something immediately after I turn 18.

5 minutes.

5 more minutes! It's almost time! I've been waiting for this for my whole life!! I can't wait for April 6th! My day!

April 5th;
12 am

Finally!! wait... I don't feel 18. I looked at the date and, I wasn't! April 5th. How was it April 5th again?! I've stayed up all night waiting just for it to be April 5th again?!

Wait a minute. Does that mean? No. I have to tell
him. My best friend Chris always believed that time travel existed. Maybe I'm a time traveler! You know how cool that would be?! I hate that I'm not 18 but at least I could be a time traveler. I have to tell Chris!

Chris' Pov:
30 minutes.

I've stayed up all night waiting for the clock to hit 12 just so I could wish my best friend happy birthday. All of my friends think that I like her but I mean, I do like her. As a friend. She's my best friend.


Maybe I do. I mean I've done this every time for years just to wish her happy birthday.

March 5;
12 am

"happy birthday!!" I message Sam excitedly. Then she responded. "it's not my birthday" wait.. I checked the date and it wasn't! How could this possibly have happened. I've been doing this for years and never once has this happened. WAIT! I KNEW IT! TIME TRAVEL! I have to tell Sam. Maybe we're time travellers!

469 words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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