Chapter 1

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This is the beginning of my story .

The making of Aurum.

My re-birth began the day of my sisters death.

My name is Scarlet Adams and this is my story. My sister Octavia and I have been alone for years . Our parents died when we were young. I've taken care of her for as long as I can remember . But see when your desperate you are willing to do anything to survive .

Nyx. She was the one who offered us a place in her organization. She was a smuggler of many things, jewels, relics, artifacts and some other very questionable substances. Over the years I worked my way up the ranks. My sister on the other hand was very young. She had little skills and would often make mistakes.

Nyx did not tolerate mistakes .

We were sent on a mission to retrieve a artifact from Greece. It was rumored to be the Crown of Midas, worth millions of dollars . And had been an obsession of Nyx's for years. It was all she talked about, all she wanted. We arrived at the meeting point , but something felt off about the trader. We made the deal and returned to a warehouse that Nyx had instructed the package be delivered to. But I still got this feeling , deep in my stomach . Like twisting knots with knives . A dark intuition that someone .... Someone was going to die tonight.

Nyx greeted us in a room deep in the warehouse. I placed the box that contained the artifact on a desk. I unlocked the case, and spun it around for Nyx to inspect. Then stepped back against a wall and fell into place next to Octavia. Nyx calmly retrieved a tool from her pocket, some kind of magnifying glass ,and began looking over the artifact diligently. Suddenly she stopped. Within a matter of seconds it all came crashing down.

Nyx slammed her fist on the table so hard the case slipped off the desk and crashed onto the floor. The artifact had been a gold crown ... but it was fake. When it hit the floor it shattered as if made of glass.

Nyx began massaging the bridge of her nose . "Ladies, do you take me for a fool?" She snapped her fingers and I felt a searing pain in my side, a guard had come in and shot me with a taser. I saw my sister hit the floor, screaming in pain. All I remember next was darkness. When I finally woke , I was bound to a chair in some kind of steel plated room. I was alone ,but I could tell I was being watched . I took in my surroundings . No windows , but there was a door at the far end of the room . Suddenly the door swings open. Two guards and Nyx walk in with someone in their grasp. They are in cuffs and there is a black bag over their head. They are thrown to the floor , and one of the guards takes off their mask. "Octavia!" I screamed for them to let her go . Pleading for them to release her . I didn't understand we had done nothing wrong .

Why!Why is this happening ?. Nyx bent down beside Octavia and grabbed her face and turning her towards me. " Sweet little Octavia. I'm going to teach your sister here why we don't make mistakes." She turned and smiled at me . Her smile was one of a vicious predator . A smile so cold and deadly I could feel it pierce into my very existence . I couldn't speak , I could think , I could do anything . Nyx took out a box, she opened it and pulled out a long golden dagger , with a jade green handle .

She slowly approached Octavia . And with one clean sweep she slit her throat . I sat in disbelief as I watched the light in my sisters eye disappear , her life , her hopes , her dreams. All of the gone .

Two years have past . And every night that day is replayed in my dreams . But tonight it all changes .

I learned that the real crown was being kept in a high security facility. This was my chance to take something from Nyx she could never have . I had spent the last three weeks studying the guards posts , and break times . I would have a 20 minute window at 1 :00 in the morning to get in and get out .

I waited for the last guard to leave and entered threw a window , that led into a side room. I quickly crossed the room to the air ducts. Upon my research I had found that the ducts in the building were in every room. That included the vault . I worked my way threw the maze of ducts as if it were my own home. I had spent years on a way to get revenge and I was not going to chance it on a simple mishap , such as going the wrong way. I made the last turn and began undoing the vent cover . I lowered myself into the room. The crown was on a pedestal with a velvet pillow . I had no plan on safely stealing it . I needed this to be a spectacle. Nyx needed to know I had it . That she didn't and she would have to face me to get it.

I snatched the crown and jumped back into the vents . I moved fast turning corners with ease , after a few seconds I heard an alarm sound . They knew it was gone .

I bounded into the room I first came in. But instead of going back the way I came , I rushed to the front of the building that had the main entrance. Some of the guards were still confused as to what was happening . I needed a way for them to notice me . Then I spotted it . There was a nail gun left on the floor . I quickly grabbed it and aimed it at the nearest guard and fired , right at the back of his head . He hit the ground with a thud . The others turned to face me . And I took off . I rounded the building , slowing only so they could feel they could catch me . I slipped onto a side building as they ran past . With the crown safely tucked in my bag I raced into the night.

Hours later I made it back to the city . I stumbled into my apartment and pulled out the crown . It was beautiful. It was raw gold , filed into jagged edges . It had a mesmerizing glow . As if it was radiating it's own energy . I quickly put it away for safe keeping . I felt confused ... now that I had it what was the next step . If I finally got back at Nyx , what would my life me like. I decide that would be a topic for tomorrow, for now I was going to celebrate victory with rest . I slipped into bed and drifted off.

Then nightmares came early , the image of her dying over and over .

I woke screaming , realizing it was still dark out . I rushed to the bathroom , feeling sick . I grabbed the sink to brace my self and get my hands turned warm . I looked up into the mirror and saw a pair of eyes . My eyes , gold and glowing like a star in the night . I could feel it. A power so strong it could rip me apart . 

That next morning I couldn't feel anything: my legs, numb, my arms, numb. I felt paralyzed. I was still traumatized from watching my sister be brutally murdered in front of me, I still couldn't figure out why I was glowing all over my body. And I knew there was one person that could answer all my questions. The same bitch that murdered my sister. Nyx.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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