A new Day

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     The sun would rise in the far distance. Birds would chirp to signal the morning. Today was a new day. A new school. And maybe some new friends ! Y/N would soon awaken from her slumber. Staring up at the ceiling as her beautiful messy blonde hair flew in the wind in which had come from the window, which had somehow made it's way into the house. As she awoken and sat up, her watery blue pearls (eyes) would struggle to open. Getting up and out of her bed, she would head towards her wardrobe and begin to search through it. Her eyes landing on her best dress. Grabbing it out of her wardrobe, she would put it on with a pair of heels to match. Today would be her first day. A new school. How exciting this would be ! But, unfortunately, this school is famous for it's extremely rude bullies. Y/N had been bullied once before, so this would not be nothing new to her. As she went to check the time, she would realize she was almost late for her first day ! Y/N would quickly dash through her house, grabbing a piece of bread and shoving it into her mouth. She had forgotten to brush her hair, she was in such a rush ! If the popular girl bullies saw her, this would end very poorly.. 

     After running for about two seconds, she was finally there. Y/N had forgotten all about the popular girls after her run ! She walked around the school for a while, soon seeing the principal, she would fall onto the ground.  The popular girl bullies would laugh at her, calling her things such like a loser and a nerd. Oh, how embarrassing this was.. They laughed and laughed, along with many other students. All except one. They would look at her, soon opening their lips to speak, "You're new here ? Aren't you ? " They would ask. Y/N would nod in agreement. "I'll take you to the principal's office, then. " Y/N would give the figure a confused look, soon asking how they knew she was heading there. The figure chuckled and spoke once again. "You went through the popular girls bullies' territory. The area in which is usually avoiding, meaning you're most likely new. I'm Eliza, by the way. What shall I call you? " Y/N would force a nervous smile upon her face. She stated that the figure, now known as Eliza, could call her Y/N.

     Eliza would give her a nod as she put out her hand. "Here, take my hand and just follow behind me. " Y/N would take Eliza's hand as instructed, and soon Eliza was off, running to the principal's office ! Within a short amount of time, they had already arrived. Y/N would sort of just look at Eliza in shock, but would then state how fast Eliza was. Eliza would give a soft smile as she spoke. "Yeah, that's sorta my thing. Now go on in ! " Y/N would chuckle a bit as she opened the door to the office. She would look around for a few seconds. Nobody seemed to be inside. She wondered where the principal had gone. Y/N would shrug as she walked over to the desk and began to open drawers up. Taking a peak inside one of the very first drawers, she would find the paper schedule and more. 

     Grabbing her paper schedule, she would step away from the principal's desk then out of the room. Turning around, she would come face to face with the principal, who seemed to be standing there staring at her angrily. "Young lady, just what were you doing snooping around in my office ?! " Y/N's expression would turn from a happy one to a nervous one. The only word she would be able to get out of her mouth was a small, quiet "well-," but the principal soon cut her off with a sigh. "No excuses from you, Y/N ! You will have a detention later after school. " Y/N would sigh as she walked off. "Well, that's as unreasonable as life," She silently thought to herself.

     Y/N would soon stop in front of a door. This was her first class. She would open the door and walk inside before heading to her desk. As she sat, she would rest her head on her arm, drifting off into a small daydream. Soon snapping back into reality, the bell would ring. Class had already ended. She walked outside into the hallway then walk over to the door which led to the staircases. As she opened it and walked through, water would pour down onto her. Each one of the popular girl bullies coming out of different hiding spots and laughing. Y/N would pause to process what just happened. After the realization hit her, she would tear up before beginning to sob. Running up the staircase to the roof, she would stop to sit in front of the fences.

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