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Chapter 3 - Spectators

Bravo Platoon

"Ey, what's happening over there? The people are all riled up and alarm bells are going off like no tomorrow." One nonchalant man stated.

"Bravo one to all elements, be advised, the village is being attacked, all eyes on the village, over." Lt. Bush stated a warning on the radio to all attachments of the platoon.

Various amounts of replies came through to confirm and acknowledge the info. 'We gotta contact command about this.'

"Bravo one to command, the village is being attacked by unknown assailants, how should we proceed?"

"Copy that Bravo one, proceed as according to the briefing, do not interact with the locals under any circumstance. For now, observe the offenders and take note of their abilities, then wait for further instructions, over"

'Damn, I wish I could order an attack, I'm itching for some action, can't just stand and watch innocent people get hurt.'

"Relay this message to the rest of the platoon."


Hillmere Village
9 Feb 1741

"Take your weapons and man the walls! Don't let the bandits through!"

Chaos was strewn throughout the village, most townsfolk had already barricaded themselves inside their houses, leaving only dust in the wake of their stampede.

The people who were on the walls supposed to be defending were disorganized, with no proper training, mediocre quality equipment, and badly equipped, the defenders stood with terrible odds. The only thing saving them was the wall between them and the bandits, coupled with only a few that actually had training.

As the growing scene unfolds itself to everyone, an explosion erupted without a warning, the force was strong enough to shake the foundation of the walls.

"They're trying to break the walls! Don't let them! Don't let them near the walls!"

"Take the wounded back to the infirmary!" Wounded men strewn about the disorder, very few getting the attention they need with chaos disrupting everything doubled with a lack of personnel in the medical section.

To many, this was their normal day, their hell, and to some unfortunate sods, the last thing they would see.

"The bandits! They've got explosives, light your arrows with fire and shoot the barrels!"

One man notices the explosive barrels, shouts and convinces his comrades to shoot their arrows with fire onto the barrels the bandits had carried with them to breach the walls.

As the seconds go by some attempt to shoot the barrels but would get fired upon by arrows as the bandits attempt to safeguard the explosives.

Unfortunately for the bandits, an arrow managed to slip through and lodged itself into the barrels, as the fire ignited the wooden barrel, it blew all the bandits near the blast radius to kingdom come.

"The bandits are disoriented! Now is our chance, pick them off!" The presumed leader of the defense shouted.

It got everyone riled up, all that was taking cover from fire could now fire upon and so they took their chance. Fiery shots of arrows met the soft skinned bandits as the flames grew larger and bigger on them, burning their skin and leaving permanent scarring.

The screams of men burning as they attempt to put out the flames that had found itself on them. Most hopelessly failing, casualties were racking up, but they could not retreat yet, no. They had one more trick up their sleeve they had yet to try.

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