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-Most of them regress in a way, Mikey is usually the one to do so out of everyone almost every hour or three he's in little space. It means different things for them, Leo usually regresses to help deal with the pressure that was put on him, Donnie normally regresses due to stress or over excitement of his inventions, Raph regresses due to often throwing tantrums/attitudes and Mikey regresses since he lost so much of his childhood, as for April and Casey yes they do as well Casey's is mostly rare but Aprils is quite often her's started after the invasion and the mutation of her father

-Human AU :D

-Most of them are trans, in some way With Leo/Donnie and Casey being TransFem Raph is transmasculine

-Leo's Bisexual/Trans and uses She/Her pronouns, Raph is transmasculine/Bisexual as well, as uses Him/her pronouns, Mikey's gender fluid/Polysexual with they/her pronouns, and Donnie being TransFem/Polysexual she/him pronouns

-Leo's autistic, as well as Donnie, all have ADHD in different ways, Mikey suffers the most with it, Raph is dyslexic (which is the reason why he's always reading), and deals with massive anger issues

-Donnie at some point had a massive crush on April (He still does) but then realized how obsessed he was with her after meeting Casey he realized the problem and formed a close bond with both April and Casey

-Mikey is the youngest but can also be more mature when she wants to but chooses to be silly in order to keep their siblings and splinter happy

-Raph and Donnie are twins with Raph being older (by two minutes)

-April isn't purely white she's a light brown shade while her hair is a dark ginger type (but it's still ginger if you understand)

-Leo has the closest relationship with Splinter which causes her siblings to often get jealous

-Ages: 16, 15 15, 14, 16, 15 (April and Casey included)

-Casey's a year younger than April (15)

-Raph has a phobia of bugs, and it got worse when they went to space and encountering Lord Dregg

-Mona Lisa and Raph ended up breaking up after the whole betrayal situation and Raph feels guilty that it's her fault

-Casey and Donnie argues sometimes the whole day but it's just how Donnie shares his love towards Casey

-Nicknames, most of them have nicknames: Leo is often called Lee or Lia but They stuck with Leo, Raph only allows Mikey to call him Raphie which Donnie and Leo are upset about

-After Leo woke up from her Coma after the invasion She's dealt with PTSD

-Leo's been struggling with psychosis after Splinter died and Donnie's been ber therapist for it

(Note: God this didn't make ANY sense while I was making this 😭 I hope y'all understand better than I did 💀)

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