✨PART 05: (Found it little bro...)✨

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With the Koopalings and Bowser
The Next day, the Koopalings and Bowser were eating breakfast together at the dinner table. They all were eating the same. Eggs and bacon and meat. And even toast! How could you not have breakfast without toast? There the favourite! Meat is my favourite. It was silent for the rest of the dinner. But until Iggy started to speak. "Ok, why is it quiet all of a sudden? Can we talk about something?" Iggy asked. "Like what?" Roy looked at him. "Well... about Ludwig, he hasn't came back last night! I tried calling him on my phone! But he didn't answer... I tried calling again when I woke up early, but he STILL didn't answer!" Iggy said worried. "Hmm... I hope he's ok" Lemmy said. "Don't worry, he's probably just at his castle in cloud land" Roy said. "Well I mean, if he's not answering your calls. Then I guess he's probably just tried, maybe from walking because your airships are still being repaired" Bowser said. "Yeah... maybe" Iggy Pokes his food. "Don't worry Iggy, I'm sure Ludwig would get his depression under control and he would feel better in the next weeks or months maybe? You don't need to worry" Zane pets Iggy's shoulder. Everyone nodded of agreement. Iggy did too, with a half smile. But he wasn't sure about that. Can Ludwig get his depression under control, or not?

With Ludwig
He saw Bowser's Castle, he was close of getting there and just sit in his room. He didn't wanna see any of his siblings or father. He just as always wanted to be alone. As he makes his way to the castle. He looks at his teddy bear. Seeing it was smiling, he hugs it. "I love you..." he softly said. It was soft on him and was comfortable to him. He started to space out. About his mom. About his family. And... past. He lived a hard life, he didn't wanna think about it. He suddenly yelp when he hit a wall. He groans and looks up. Seeing his father looking down at him. He Froze. "F-father! Hey! I-I was.. just at my castle and I-" before Ludwig could say anything else. His father grabs his hand and walks with inside the Castle. Ludwig looks at his dad, he didn't look angry, he didn't look upset. He just looked worried. When they walked down the hallway to the planning room. The order Koopalings saw Ludwig with Bowser. "Laddy!" Iggy runs to him. Hugging him tight. Ludwig startled at first, but hugged back. "I was so worried for you!" Said Iggy all happy to see his older brother. "Don't have to be..." Ludwig softy said.

"Ludwig..." Bowser started. Made the 2 Koopalings look at him. "Yes Father.." Ludwig said nervously, thought he was mad and disappointed in him. "I was waiting for you to come back, Junior and I found these in your trash can and closet" Bowser looks at him. Junior shows Ludwig. He felt his entire body freeze up, looking at the trash and seeing his dirty bandages in there. He looks at his dad and brother. "I...I-"

"Ludwig, what is the meaning of this?" Bowser asked worried. Ludwig looks at his siblings. They look at him, having there hands cross and some of them had there hands behind these backs. He turns back to his father. "Is these something you wanna tell me and your siblings?" Bowser asked. "Wh-what ever do you mean dad?-" Bowser gave him a serious look. "You know what I mean" He wasn't playing. Ludwig was silent for a minute. But he sighs. He puts his hands behind his back. "I... have a dark secret I don't wanna say" he said first. "I've been depressed lately because... I.." Ludwig didn't wanna say. "About..?" Bowser wanted to know. "I..." Ludwig slowly started having a freight. He blinks 2 times. Seeing he was in a dark place. He suddenly saw a lot of eyeballs surrounding him. He gasp, they all looked at him as he started hearing whispers.

He backs him, he closes his eyes. Falling down as he started breathing hard. "No..! No!" Ludwig puts his hands on his ears. Trying not to hear the noises. "Ludwig!" He heard someone call his name. "Dad...?" Ludwig called out, crying.

"LUDWIG!!" Bowser calls out. Ludwig snaps out. He saw his father and Siblings surrounding him. Worried but except for roy. "Dad...?" He looks up at him. "Ludwig, what's got into you lately? We all are worried and we don't want you to-" Bowser felt his son hug him. Crying endlessly and sobbing. "I'm sorry! I feel hopeless and horrible! I don't know why I feel this way! I'm just not feeling well..." Ludwig cries. Hugging his father. He hugs back, "shh... it's ok, I'm not mad if that's what you think" said Bowser. Everyone watch as Ludwig sobs and cries. They all felt bad for him. "Com'on kids. Come give your brother a hug" Said Bowser. Everyone nodded, running to him as they hug him. Ludwig felt his brothers and sister's bodies on him. so warm and comfortable. He slowly calms down. Not sobbing anymore. He closes his eyes. Falling asleep on everyone. They back up. Ludwig lays on his father laps. He smiles. Seeing his son hug his teddy bear. "I'm gonna take him to bed, and you all go to your rooms and do whatever you all do" Bowser picks up Ludwig. Taking him to his room. They all nod and watch there father walk away. "So what do we do?" Asked Wendy. "Hmm... don't know, we should probably just go off and do some stuff like Father said" Said Morton. They all nod. Walking off to there rooms or whatever.

With Iggy Lemmy and Larry.
The 3 were in Iggy's room, just playing video games. One of them started thinking about Ludwig. "Guys... do you think we should go talk to Luddy?" Asked Iggy. The 2 stopped. "Well... he's sleeping right now and father is taken care of him, so we should wait" said Larry. "I agree, maybe we don't talk but father would" Said Larry. The 2 nodded.

"Hey Dad" Iggy walks in Bowser's Office. "What is it Iggy?" Bowser puts his papers down. "When Ludwig walks up. Are you gonna talk to him?" He asked. Bowser looks at him. "Maybe... gonna ask him about his depression and... maybe get him into therapy" Bowser said. Iggy gasp. "therapy?" He looked at his dad. "Yeah, why?" Bowser asked. "N-Nothing" Iggy looks away. Bowser sighs. Getting out of his chair. "Look Iggy, I know your worried for your brother. I'm too, but you need to understand if Ludwig has depression and wants to be alone. You can't force him out" Bowser knees down beside Iggy. Putting his hand on his shoulder. Iggy nods. "Good" Bowser rubs his hair. "Now, I think Ludwig is awake now, it's been 2 hours. So he's probably awake" Bowser takes Iggy's hand. Walking him out of his office. "Ima go talk to him now" Bowser said, rubbing Iggy's hair. He gives a smile. Bowser then walks off down the hallway to Ludwig's room. Iggy sighs, laying himself on the wall. "Hope Dads right..." Iggy said softly.

With Bowser and Ludwig
Bowser walks down the hallway, he reaches Ludwig's door. He softy knocks slowly, hope he's awake or not. "Ludwig.. you awake?" Bowser asked. Silent for a second, but... "yeah..." he heard Ludwig's voice. "I'm coming in" Bowser said. He opens the door, entering the room. He saw Ludwig on his bed, having a blanket over him. Hiding his face. "Ludwig?" Bowser walks to him, sitting down on the bed. "You ok?" He asked. Ludwig didn't say anything. He was just silent. Bowser tried taken the Blanket off. But Ludwig Scrooge away. Not wanting to reveal himself. Bowser sighs. "Ludwig... if your blaming yourself for something. It isn't your fault" Bowser said. Ludwig didn't say anything still. But he felt like Bowser was right. It wasn't his fault for making everyone's airships destroyed. None of them couldn't defend Mario. Bowser then finally token the blanket off. revealing his face only. His eyes were red and hurt. "Dad..?" Ludwig looks at him. Bowser gave him a smile. He grabs Ludwig and hugs him. Shocked at first, but Ludwig hugs back. "Is there something you wanna talk about?" Said Bowser. Ludwig looks at him. He took a deep breath. His mouth started talking.

With Roy
Roy was hanging on the wall. Listening to Ludwig's voice speak. He gives a hard sigh. He started walking down the hallway. As he walks, he saw a door that was for old stuff. He shocked. "Maybe he misses something!" Roy smirks. Opening the door to the old stuff room. He looks in boxes of Ludwig's old stuff. He found something that was Ludwig's favourite. He found...

His old photo of his mother. When he was a child. Roy smiles. It was kinda crack. But still important. "I found it little bro..."


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