Murder In The Mansion

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It was a calm and crimeless morning. It was 7:00 am. In the middle of a small town, was a big, golden mansion. In the mansion lived a family of six people. Grandma, mom, dad, oldest daughter Lydia, youngest daughter Emma and the youngest child Tom.

Suddenly the silence of the morning was broken, by two gunshots and a scream that echoed around the whole town. The scream came from the big mansion. The oldest daughter, Lydia had been shot twice in the back of her head.

When grandma saw Lydia dead on the kitchen floor, she screamed and called 911 immediately. The police arrived really quickly. At the same time the father had come home from his nightshift at work. 

The police, Bob, went to the kitchen to look at the crime scene. He could feel a cold breeze coming from the slightly open kitchen window. He put plastic gloves on his hands and started investigating the body. 

Lydia, had been shot twice in the back of her head, and there was blood spilled everywhere on the floor.

Bob gathered everyone in the living room, to ask where they had been when the crime had happened. 

He started by asking the mom. She answered quickly that she had been in the shower. Bob took his notebook out and wrote what the mom had said in it.

Next he asked the father. He answered that he had been at work. 

Next Bob asked grandma. She answered that she had been uppstairs  watching facebook on her phone. She also said that she had run down to the kichen when she heard the shots.  She said that she called 911 immediately, when she had seen what had happened. 

Bob just nodded and then turned around to look at the kids, Emma and Tom.

- Where were you at the time when the crime happened? Bob asked both of them.

Emma answered that she had been in the playroom. Tom answered the same thing. Emma looks at Tom in confusion. 

- No you were not, Emma said.

Tom kicked Emmas leg to silence her. 

- I was just in the bathroom that's why she didn't see me.

Bob wrote a couple of sentences in his notebook and then he closed it. After that he said that he wanted to go around the house to see if he could find any clues.

Bob along with the other family members started walking around the house. The whole house looked normal, until they came to the kitchen. There Bob saw a blue pen, which said "police" on it. 

- What is this? Bob asked.

- Oh, it must have fallen from the table when the kids played. I used to be a police, but now I am a painter at a museum. I work on nights, since there are too many people around on the days, dad answered.

They kept searching for clues, when the police saw two fingerprints on the kitchen floor. They where red, and everybody knew what the red color was. Blood.

- I will take these to the police station and take closer look at them, Bob sais while taking the fingerprints with tape.

After the house tour was over, they all gathered outside the living room. Bob took them in one by one.

He started with Emma. 

- Where were you when the murder happened? Bob asked.

- I already told you the truth, I was in the playroom, I just heard the shots, Emma said.

But then her expression changed and she whispered to Bob.

- Tom is lying, he wasn't in the playroom and he wasn't in the bathroom either, because the ligths were off.

- Well, that's interesting, Bob said writing in his notebook. 

Then Emma looked at him in confusion.

- Why do you have a red mark on your shirt, Emma asked.

Bob looked down on his shirt. 

- Oh, that was from the crime that me and my colleagues investigated earlier this morning, Bob said.

Then it was Toms turn.

- Alright Tom, I heard that you have been lying to me, can you please tell the truth of where you were a the time of the murder, Bob asked very seriously.

Toms face went pale, and he looked around the room really stressed.

- I...I...I'm so...sorry, but I wasn't in the bathroom I lied, Tom said shyily.

- Yeah, I know, please tell me where you were, this is serious, Bob said annoyed.

- O...okay, I was going to the kitchen to get a cookie, but when I came to the kitchen door, I saw...I saw...grandma, who had bent over the body with something black in her hand, Tom said really scared.

- Interesting, you can go now, Bob said while writing down in his notebook.

Next in row was grandma.

- What is this now, I have no time for this, grandma said really annoyed.

- Where were you when the murder happened? Bob asked.

- I was upstairs watching facebook when I heard the shots, then I immediately ran downstairs, grandma said.

- Did you bend over the body? Bob asked.

- Yes, I needed to see if she was dead or not, grandma answerd even more annoyed.

- And did you have something in your hand? Bob continued questioning.

- Yes, of course. I forgot to put away my phone when I ran downstairs, grandma answered and left the room.

Next the dad came inside the living room to talk to Bob. Bob asked him the same thing.

- I just came home from work. You saw it, he answered.

- What is that red stain on your face, Bob asked dad.

- It's paint, dad answered quickly.

- Are there coming any other police here, he asked Bob.

-No, they are investigating the other crime that happened this morning.

Next and last was the mothers turn.

Bob asked the question and the mother answered quickly that she had been in the shower.

Now everyone had answered the questions, and they gathered to the living room. Then Bob turned to face everyone and said.

- The murderer is in this room... and it is...

I know who the murderer is, but do you?.

The answer will be in the next chapter and before you go there, you can comment and guess who the murderer is.

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