Dog for Damien

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"Nia wake up!" Mom yelled from downstairs "Ugh" Nia said. "It's Sunday" Nia thought to herself as she remembered what today was, it was her friend Damien's birthday. Nia didn't know what to get him, she only knew him for a few years. Nia got dressed And went downstairs. "Hurry Nia" her mom called "I'm coming Mom." Nia shouted then she got breakfast and left with her mom "Mom where are we going?" Nia said stiffly "Nia Why are you so tense he's your friend." Mom mentioned "And Nia we are almost to the pet shop" "PET SHOP?!" shouted Nia "Yes Love, we are getting him a dog"Her mom mentioned "Why are we getting him a dog isn't he allergic?" Nia explained to her mother "Certainly but there is a puppy that has special fur that he isn't allergic to. He has always wanted a dog, that's what his mother told me." Nia and her mother get off to get the dog "Wow" Nia said amazed and excited "Nia don't get any ideas" Nia looks around astonished at the adorable animals." Can we have this one?" Nia's mom asked the employee "Sure, I'll have him ready for you in a bit" The employee commented "Mom where are we going to go after this?" Nia asked her mother "We are going to drop you off at Damien's house." "what why?!" Nia testified "He wanted to see you, plus I have a date I have to attend" Nia's mother announced "Marie Ann Lewis Who are you dating?" Nia demanded to know."Well honey I am dating your teacher Mr. Linus." Nia asked her mother "Why do you like him? He is not your type?!" Nia commented. "We will talk about it later. We are here at his house" Nia's mother explained."Wow, his house is bigger than I remember." Nia said, "Why don't you go inside, honey." Nia's mom decided.

Sorry, it's short I just want to make sure people like it. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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