Purge Treasure!

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This is my first Syndisparklez fanfic! Hope you enjoy! <3
Jordan's Pov

Today was purge day,so I dumped all my items off into a chest in the specter dimension. I had a good feeling about this purge. I was going to at least try and win,like always.

The last couple purges Tucker won,but today was hopefully gonna change. I have a bunch of support from Dianite,Mot,Andor,
The Ianita swarm and,of course,My lady.
I haven't heard from M'lady since she "disappeared," but I know she's still with me,right? I exited my specter and flew towards the purge hall.

"It's about time,you sausage!"
Tom yelled at me as I entered the building.

"Sorry,I just had to dump some of my items off." I said.

"Lies!" He yelled again and punched my arm playfully,with a smile.

"Geez man,no need to be med."
I stated as I emptied the rest of my items into a diamond chest in the backroom.

"I'm not mad." I heard Tom mumble.
I smiled.

I looked up from the chest and peeked at Tom. There's something about Tom that makes me like him more and more each day. Maybe I'm just going crazy,but crazy for him. I walked out of the backroom and into my little room that had the name "Glitter-Lap" above.

"Hey Jordan!" Tucker yelled as he made his way to my room. "Are you ready to lose again?" He asked with a smirk.

"Na man,I'm going to maybe win today!" I declared. I heard the others laugh.

"Keep telling yourself that,Jordan." He left my room and walked to his.

Once everyone was in their assigned rooms Wisdom told us the rules once more as we began to put our cool gear on. He also told us our objective for this purge.

"Hidden Around the city are five lost treasures. Collect them to earn extra points at the end of the purge."

I clutched onto my sword tightly as we all got ready to press the buttons that would teleport us to our fighting arena of the day. I grew a bit nervous, but remembered that M'lady would be with me. My nervousness soon faded.

"You may press the buttons,"
Wisdoms said. "Good luck." He added.

I hesitated at first,but finally pressed the button. As I was teleported
I noticed I was stuck in spider webs.
I tried my best to get out,but was interrupted by something shooting me with arrows.

"Wait,what's happening?"
I asked,trying to break free from the webs. I looked around,then noticed Tom on a platform shooting arrows at me. "Wait,Tom. How did you get up there so fast?" He continued to shoot arrows at me quietly. I looked to Tucker who was having the same web problem as me. I glanced back at Tom,still trying to free myself.
"Wait! Let me just-" I was almost done until,

Captainsparklez was shot by SynHD

I sighed and spawned at the Fortress of fury. 'Good thing repawn is on.'
I told myself. I noticed the taint around the bottom of my fortress,then began making my way (Down town?) back to the purge hall.(oh)

"I pressed the button first and got in here before you guys did! You guys are just slow!" Tom yelled though the communicator.

I rolled my eyes. "Cheater." I mumbled quietly being a bit salty. "I didn't get a chance to sleep in my bed." I said,trying to cover up what I said and entering my room once again and setting my spawn.

"How did you not get a chance to sleep in your bed?" Tucker asked with his smart attitude and a teasing laugh.

I got up and pressed the button,ignoring him. I teleported and saw tucker and quickly ran at him. I swiped my sword at him a couple times,then fell into the hole he was in. "Got you now!"
I yelled as I finally killed him.

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