Happy IAD 2023!

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AN: Happy International Asexuality Day from your friendly neighborhood aroace! I really wanted to write a longer piece, but short and sweet is pretty much my MO at this point and there was no real reason for me to extend it.

Richelle has always known there's something wrong with her. Her sister, Natalie, would argue and say there's nothing wrong, she's just different. But that's not how her classmates see it. She's weird because she doesn't play the same way they do, because she doesn't have friends, because, because, because. There was a period of time when she tried to fit in, but eventually it wasn't worth it anymore, it wasn't like anyone actually believed it anyway. The first time it felt like anybody truly understood her was when Jacquie joined TNS. Or, well, not when she first joined, but when they actually started talking.

Jacquie doesn't understand why everyone compares her to her sister. Sure, Davis might "be nicer" and have more friends (any friends) but Jacquie is happy how she is (at least, that's what she tells herself). She has passing friendships with Davis's friends, but that was more to make their parents happy than anything else. But after she joins The Next Step, when she and Richelle start talking, she finds somebody who gets her.

Richelle doesn't realize how much she has in common with Jacquie until they start talking about her relationship with Noah and they sit in Shakes & Ladders giggling about all the things they don't understand.

"Wait, people actually like making out?"

Richelle makes a face, "Apparently.

"That's so gross though!"

Even if they feel out of place in the rest of the world, at least they have each other.

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