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Clockwork's POV
I was sleepily pouring waffle mixer into the mould. It was a wild night, the wind outside was a tempest, it was tearing at the trees and tossing rain at the windows in a constant 'bam bam bam'. The only reason I was downstairs with my bare feet against the cold, stone floor was because I was waiting for my boyfriend to get home from one of his missions. He had been gone since 9 last night. I wasn't very worried for him as he had gone off so many times only to return when I didn't expect him.
I had decided to make him his favourite food: waffles. He would be so glad to get home to the mansion and eat some waffles with maple syrup. Then he would have a shower and probably sleep until 2:00pm the next day. I would be glad to sleep too.
Other than the constant hum of the waffles making and various noises from outside, the only noise I could hear through my sleepiness was the tick of my clock. I looked at my reflection in the microwave door. Sure enough my green eye and my clock stared back at me. When will he be back?
The sudden slam of the large door made me jolt up and turn around. Sure enough, there slumped Toby, dripping with rain and some blotches of blood spotted his hoodie. He set down his two hatches with a clunk and walked into the kitchen.
"Hello Clocky." He said, slightly out of breath. I smiled and kissed him. A little bing came from behind us and I turned around.
"Your waffles are ready." I saw Toby's face mood into a smile.
I was removing the waffles when Toby started hugging me from behind and swaying while humming patiently. He was sure happy to be having waffles. Well, what could I expect. This is Toby I'm dealing with.
Toby suddenly stopped dead from his swaying and turned me to face him. He locked dead straight at my clock.
"Clocky, you know how beautiful clocks are? They tick all the time, they're made of cogs and have such rhythm. I could sit in a room made of clocks and just be completely content. All their dazzling springs, beautiful shined gears. That's part of the reason I love you. I have a confession, Clocky. I'm a chronometrophile. A person who has a philia of clocks."
I just stared, my butter knife in hand. What the hell? That was random. But kind of insightful to Toby's... eventful mind. He suddenly let out a bout of giggles. Seriously, he was giggling like Jeff when he drinks twelve cans of Monster in a row. Toby stopped giggling and started kissing my clock. I was blushing. This was so weird but very romantic in a deviant way. Then again I am a creepypasta, Creepypastas are anything but normal.
Toby kept kissing my clock then my sketches. He was gentle but that's why I like his kisses. He can have passion with out sticking his tongue down my throat.
"So Toby, how about you eat the waffles I made you?" I said
"Hell yes!" He shouted and sat down to his plate of waffles. I smiled and decided to make us some hot chocolate with whipped cream, so long as BEN hadn't used it all ( he's addicted to whipped cream).
"Enjoy, my chronometrophile!"

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