Chapter 1, the interview

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It was dark out, stormy. As a celebrity interviewer that only got 2-3 interviews a week, you hoped this didn't predict how your day would go. It was a big day today. It's 2025, The Bangtan Boys, BTS. They had just had their first comeback after the military, on the stage of the Grammy's, Jimin had even won one for FACE.

You aren't the first to interview them, you're actually the last, and after watching the other horrid interviews, you're hoping not to fumble. All of the interviews had the usual questions. 'Who would you want to collab with?', 'Who's your favorite artist?', 'Whats your favorite things about each other?', boring repetitive questions. A trend you hoped to break, maybe as an apology to the idols who worked so ridiculously hard.

After being an ARMY for so long, you knew how painful these interviews were. Like people lost every braincell talking to the foreign idols. Luckily, your ARMY experience lead you to learning Korean, you planned to make this interview as comfortable, as easy, and as fun as you could. Straying from the usual questions and format. The only thing making you more nervous was the underlying fear of BTS' nice and caring nature really being an act, a pattern among celebrities that you've interviewed. You were scared.. terrified, that these men you've looked up to and cherished for years, were going to be rude, bullies. Nearing the interview room you swallow, take a breath, and compose yourself.

You open the door to the room you'd be sharing with BTS for 15 minutes, it was as expected, boring. There was no color except for a purple line painted on the wall. You look to the bag in your hand, the camera team would be in soon. You need to work fast. You almost attack the bag pulling items out, posters and plants. You quickly make the room to fit your standards, the posters to make it more familiar and the plants for more color and life. Once satisfied, you sat in your chair and went over your notes a few times.

You became 100x more nervous.. and honestly excited when you heard 9 sets of footsteps, BTS and their two guards. You stand respectfully, as they enter, you do a small bow to the 7 members, surprised, but small smiles appearing on a couple members' faces, they gave small bows back. In the back of your mind, you hoped your partner was watching, as they knew how excited you really were, having been there when you first started listening to BTS. They're your rock and your pillow at the same time, you got married when you turned 21, its been 8 years, and you both love each other to no end.

You waited for the boys to sit, following suit respectfully. They did their introduction then smiled at you, smiling back you spoke in Korean,

"Hello! Would it be more comfortable for this interview to be done in Korean?", you cock your head slightly, once again surprising the boys, you got to see Yoongi's gummy smile as he seemed happy about the option. The boys all nodded, Namjoon accompanied by a small, "yes please", you figured he'd need the break. You nod and start with your questions, asking about Jungkook's producing, their solo songs, and if they had anything big planned, like a concert or new album. The boys were just as nice as you thought they were, and they seemed happy and comfortable, which made you ecstatic.

As the interview came to an end, you couldn't stop yourself, a sly and mischievous smile appearing,

"Before you go, I have one more question Jungkookah", the boys looked back over,

"What's tasty in Busan?", the boys blink for a second then started laughing, Jimin's hand coming to cover the mouth of the smirking bunny.

"Too inappropriate! Too inappropriate!", you smile as Jimin said this, accompanied by his infamous eye smile,

"I guess I'll leave it be", you respond with a giggle, BTS says goodbye to the camera and freeze for the camera to stop recording, you got up after the boys, bowing and shaking hands,

"Do we refer to you as noona?", Jin asks with a headtilt, you chuckle,

"Only Jungkookah! '96 born", you could hear Junkook's, "Aish!", at another person being older than him. Jin smiles,

"Well, Y/N, I felt very safe and comfortable during this, and I feel the rest can agree. This has been one of the best interviews we've had. I wanted to know if you'd allow us to treat you and your partner or a plus 1 to dinner.", your eyes widen a bit and a big smile crosses your face,

"I would love to Jin-oppa!", the boys give you the time and place and say they will meet you there. You very quickly gather your things and leave, you go home to change and tell your partner. When you arrive, you switch to English as your partner wasn't well-versed in Korean, they hug you as you enter,

"You did so good baby! They seemed so happy!", you hug back with a big smile and kiss them softly,

"Sweetheart, they invited us to dinner!", despite not being an ARMY, they smile widely and seem just as excited, you tell them about when and where, it would be in a couple hours at 9, at a semi-fancy restaurant. You both start getting ready, your partner looking at you softly as you started your makeup, you smile at them through the mirror, and they hug you from behind.

"Gorgeous.", you smile and lean back into them, ready to have a nice night with them and your favorite idols.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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