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Darkness. That was all I saw. Corpses lying lifelessly on the cold hard ground as the rain washed the energon away. I stood there thinking what of all the lovely peaceful sights I could've seen if this war had never waged for so long in the first place.


Greetings fellow listeners, for those of you who do not know who I am, my name is Skylart. If you are unable to understand what I am talking about, let me get you caught up.


Long ago, Cybertron (my home) was very peaceful and bright, or so the Northerners thought. When in reality, there was a tragic place, that was on the opposite side from the North, known as the South. The South was a devastating place where many bots would die everyday. The conditions were so horrendous that many bots would go blind from their optics receiving extreme exposure to the thick sulfur air.


I walked through the partially empty streets of Kaon glancing around at the bare sights. There was almost nothing but worn down buildings and market stands loosely scattered around the place. I could practically feel glowing eyes stare at me, following my every movement. By then, I had begun to feel very nervous. "Hello there!" a familiar voice greeted from behind me. Startled, I tensed up, and cautiously turned around simply to see my tour guide and friend, I15. "Oh, hello I15," I answered back, still attempting to recover from shock.

I always flinched whenever I said his so-called name. It felt awful to call meaningless numbers and letters a name. Especially when they didn't have more sensible names like we do in the North (such as mine).

I15 stopped walking and frowned at me. I stopped as well, almost tripping over myself because I was caught off guard. "Skylart, are you alright?" I15 asked with concern. "Yes, I'm alright." I said smoothly, snapping back into my senses while smiling at him. He smiled back and we continued walking again, not knowing what to say to each other.

"You know, I am interested in why you came here in the first place." I15 asked, attempting to break the silence. "I came here to prove why the high council is so corrupt." I answered back. "I don't mean to be rude, but how can you do such a large task on your own?" I15 asked in the most gentle way possible. I looked down feeling as if I had already failed.


Unfortunately, when I had the thought about my possible failure, that exact fate was already sealed in place. When the high counsel heard about this, instead of being empathetic and understanding, they completely ignored me! I was so outraged that I wasn't thinking properly and called them all 'foolish bolt heads'. We can all easily guess how they felt about what I said to them. When I was about to be evicted from my home, the high council abruptly decided to let me be. I assumed that they did this to keep a good reputation.

I scoffed in annoyment and shook off my past memories. I sighed, sat down in my lab chair, and turned on the holo-gram television to see what new events were going on. Then I saw him, Megatronus, yet again slaughtering another beast.


Oftenly, the High Council would throw slaves into an arena, also known as 'the pits', and organize gladiator battles. These battles emerged from Kaon. The slaves in the arena had to either fight each other or a beast. Slaves would usually agree to fight so that they could avoid the depressing life they had to face in the South. The fighting would continue until one of the opponents is still alive and the other is vanquished.


I was disgusted to see so many bots actually enjoying such a brutal and sparkbreaking sort of entertainment. I immediately turned off the holo-gram television and started to repair my lab equipment to distract myself, but I was still trapped under my thoughts about the cruelty and treachery of the High Council.

As I was lost in thought, Orion Pax, my brother, suddenly burst through the doorway looking at me with wide optics filled with passion. "Guess what? I'm going to go with Megatronus to see the High Council! THE HIGH COUNCIL!" Orion squealed in delight. While he went on and on about his joys in being invited to join a meeting with the council, I sat there in absolute shock. I went through so much trouble to simply have one session with the council, when Orion was able to meet them just like that! Holy Primus!

"What is the meeting about?" I managed to ask despite my bewilderment. "Megatronus wants to audition to see if he is worthy to be prime," he explained. A prime, why does Megatronus want to be a prime? I wondered. Orion could barely stand still and his entire chassis vibrated with positive energy. I hoped that things would go better for him with the high council than it had for me.


But what I heard later on shook me. Orion became a prime instead of Megatronus. Because of that, Megatronus released the hatred and jealousy that was hidden away for so long.


Now, before you assume that Megatron is simply an envious bot who wants nothing but power and vengeance, let me tell you the actual story. Megatron started out as a slave forced to mine energon inside of caves. He lived in the South and was given his 'name' D16. D16 found out about the gladiator battles that were held in Kaon. He wanted to rise up and become a champion instead of a tortured slave. And that is exactly what happened. He conquered every opponent that he faced. The audience that watched his battles were enthralled by his acts and rewarded him with a name, Megatronus. Megatronus was good friends with my brother, Orion Pax. Orion went with Megatronus to see the high council as support for Megatronus in his test of honor to become a prime. As I said before, my brother had become a prime instead of Megatronus. Megatronus was outraged when the council rejected his speech to overthrow the modern government with violence. So then he gathered a group of supporters and followers and shortened his name to Megatron. Megatron and his army was, from then on, known as the Decepticons.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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