Ch. I

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Have some cake videos!

New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, Oct. 4, 1912 (Idk I had to make a random date that makes sense if Hazel died in 1942.)

Both of them are 8

Hazel was in the lake while Percy was outside, letting his feet be in the water. "Come on Perce! Get in!" Hazel said. Percy smiled but shook his head. "Maybe some other time Hazel." He said. Hazel pouted. "Please?" She asked. Percy laughed. "Some other time Haze." He said. "Percy! Hazel! Come on!" Their mother, Marie, called. "Come on Hazel. We have to go." Percy said, standing up. Hazel swam towards her brother, getting him wet in the process.

Percy sighed but helped his sister up. "Come on." He said. They walked to where their mom was at. She looked at both of them and smiled. "Why's your brother wet Hazel?" Marie asked. Percy smirked at her. "He fell into the lake Mom." Hazel said, smirking back at him. "Did not! You splashed me!" Percy exclaimed. "No, I didn't!" She exclaimed, looking at Percy.

They started arguing with each other. She sighed. "Come on you two. Let's go home." Marie said. Hazel and Percy stopped. The three walked home. Once they did, Percy and Hazel raced up to their bedroom. Percy got there first, sticking his tongue at Hazel. "That's not fair! You started first!" She exclaimed. Percy laughed, then got out a sketchbook. He started drawing something random. Hazel sat next to him, trying to figure out what he was drawing. "Whatcha drawing?" She asked. Percy shrugged, erasing a part of it. He twirled a pen in his right hand while drawing.

She looked at him. "How do you do that?" Hazel asked. Percy looked up. "What do you mean?" He asked, still twirling the pen in his hand. "Twirl the pen and draw." She said. "Oh, I don't know. I just focus on both things I'm doing." Percy asked, going back to drawing. After thirty minutes he finished drawing. It was seven figures side by side. Percy and Hazel and the middle, two boys to the left of Percy, and two other girls to the right of Hazel.

"What does that mean?" Hazel asked. Percy shrugged. "It's gotta be part of a prophecy though." He said. "But what prophecy Perce?" She asked, looking at him. Percy shook his head. "I don't know Hazel. I don't know." He said, looking back at the drawing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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