Distant feelings

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Have you ever liked someone so much where all you do is sit around and listen to music imagining what it would be like to be with them? Theres this girl that Im really in to.. Shes amazing. Plain and simple. I like her on a deeper level that Im still having trouble expressing. I want to love her but Im so fucking awkward; I cant seem to bring myself to tell her how I feel and ask get out. I guess I'm scared of ruining our friendship or messing things up... Im not sure how she feels about anything though. Im sure she doesnt see me in that way... Its the way we talk that makes me think that she sees me as a friend which sucks. Have you ever had that one person who you can relate to on so many levels and when you start liking them, they seem as if they dont like you back? That shit hurts in a certain pain that you can't express to anyone. You just have to sit there and let it happen. I dont know anymore man. I just really want to see where things go.. Her and her ex broke up not that long ago and I think he's secretly mad at me because I'm talking to her.. I suppose its whatever.. I dont know if I even care anymore. It always happens to me anyways. Maybe I should just keep my feelings for everyone distant, it seems everytime I get connected to someone they never connect on the same level.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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